6) It's Over

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Eleven's POV

I can't believe him right now. "Stay away from Jane"? Really? He doesn't get to tell Mike to stay away from me. I don't want Mike to stay away. And why Jane? I really do prefer El. No matter how many times I tell him, he doesn't listen.

And now he's controlling me and Mike? No way.
"It's for the best, kid. You know that." Was he serious?

"No, actually. I don't know that. I don't understand any part of it. Why can't Mike and I be together? It was one kiss!"
"One kiss that could lead to more!" More? What was he talking about?

"What do you mean, more?" Hopper's face went red and he sighed loudly.
"Nothing. We're not talking about that today. No way. You and Mike will not be together. End of story."

Just like that. It's over. How? I don't understand why Hopper gets to decide. It should be a choice for me and Mike. I really like him, and he likes me. Why shouldn't we be together?

When we got home I went straight to my room. I slammed the door and threw off my dress. I changed into pajamas and hopped into bed.

I grabbed my blindfold and the walkie talkie Mike had given me from underneath the bed. I needed to see him.

Hopper may have been able to keep him away from me most of the time, but he couldn't control my mind.

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