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I began sleeping at Vaughn's place a few days a week. It was subtle at first, scary and new, but slowly we got comfortable with it. I would fall asleep and wake up in the middle of the night and be pulled back to bed by a sleepy boy with a devilish grin and dark curls.

It was such a different environment than anything I'd experienced. Vaughn was supportive and understanding and so very kind to me. He didn't hover, like everyone I knew, he trusted me. Sometimes he got temperamental and flares of angry and it was usually because his dad, mostly, and all of his demands and needs. He would try not to take it out on me but every once in a while it slipped through the cracks.

His dad doesn't like me, and he doesn't want me to have the restaurant and it's messy but he's not letting it affect the way he feels about me, or at least that's what he told me when I asked him about it the one time we talked about. I felt like maybe we were avoiding the topic, but it was okay for the most part. It slipped my mind when I was with him.

I lay on his living room floor--the one that used to be Freida's--reading a cook book and he lay perpendicular to me, head on my stomach as he read his book. His glasses hung low on his nose and he was humming quietly to himself.

"What would you do if you weren't here stepping in for your dad?" I asked him. "Missing out on life with you in it." He answered without missing a beat.

"Shut up, I'm serious."

"Me too, that would be a bummer. I really like you." He sat up and turned towards me, smiling. "But I know what you mean and the answer is, I don't know. I've never figured it out, really. I wanted to be a doctor, but I flunked out. I wanted to do therapy, but as I got into it, I knew I wouldn't want to charge people to talk to them about their problems when I genuinely enjoyed it. I finally just started going to school, doing work study, living on campus because I liked to learn and I liked the anonymity of it."

"Are you afraid? Of choosing something and regretting it?" He nodded. "Yeah. That, and a lot of other things. I'm indecisive, I over think a lot."

"Me too! It's annoying to me how much I do that." He smirked and leaned down to kiss me.

"What would you do if you weren't schizophrenic?" He asked me. I frowned. I could probably do anything. Be anything. Go to college, move out on my own, not take all of these stupid medications. My parents probably wouldn't be so overbearing. "I don't know."

"It's a hard question, huh?" I nodded leaning over to kiss him again, sitting up, opting for silence instead of overthinking my entire existence.

He put his hands on my waist and guided me to straddle him. He always took the lead with this stuff. I was no good at it. I threw my arms around his neck and and deepened the kiss. Getting excited when he inches his fingertips into the lip of my jeans. It was the smallest thing, but I was on fire. 

We hadn't had sex yet, and we hadn't even discussed it, but I felt the tension every time we were alone together. I had a hard time keeping my hands off of him at work. We almost got caught making out in his office yesterday and I made him late to work last week when he drove me home and we lost track of time saying goodbye. 

I had never desired a boy like I desired Vaughn. It was different than some kiss in a slide or video game/makeout session. This was real. I wanted him in more ways than just one. He drove me crazy whenever he touched me.

I was the first to come up for air, gasping as I tried to catch me breath. "Cam?" He whispered sweetly, voice smooth and rich, like crushed velvet. I hummed in response, not trusting myself to speak just yet.

"You have to remember to breathe," he reminded me and that made me laugh, because I did that a lot. I forgot to breath when kissing him. He simply took my breath away.

"You have to stop touching me like that if you want me to breathe." I told him. He let his hands travel down my back and follow the curve of my ass, his hands cupping my cheeks firmly as he rolled his hips against mine, making me blush as he kissed my neck, tongue dragging slowly across my skin. My breath hitched in my throat, suddenly forgetting to be embarrassed as I began rocking my hips against his, feeling the blood leave my head, my heart beating wildly inside my chest.

I could feel his buldge against my own, him moaning into my ear. It didn't take long for an intense burning to bubble up in my stomach, travelling downwards, the pleasure getting more and more intense every time he moved his hips even a centimeter.

He grasped me tightly, tilting his head back as he shut his eyes and made the most beautiful face I'd seen him wear, lips parted, swollen, red. I hadn't noticed I'd ejaculated, too, until he'd opened his eyes, pupils blown and looked down between us at the growing wet spot on both of our pants.

I collapsed against him, arms still secured around his neck. He held me tighter to him, face in the crook of my neck as he came down with me. It was silent between us for a while, just our slowing breathing. It terrified me how much I cared for him in this moment. 


My voice was small and shy. "Camden?" He whispered back to me in response. "I really care about you." He turned his head and kissed the skin of my collarbone tenderly. "You give me fucking butterflies, Cammy, like I'm fucking twelve again. Why do you do that, how can you say things like that and fuck me up like that?" 

"Me? Vaughn, you have no idea how much you drive me crazy every time you walk into a room, I can't keep my hands off of you, I think about you all the time, I miss you whenever we aren't together." I blushed and shut my eyes. It was like the words flowed out of me like a river. It was just so easy to talk to him, I knew he wouldn't judge me for it, I knew he understood. 

He kissed my jaw, moving up until his lips fell on mine again, hands travelling up and down my back, making me wish I could peel off my sweater. He pulled away slowly, stealing my breath from me again. 

"I'm so glad you're mine." He said and the word 'mine' made me shudder. "And you're mine." I told him, grabbing his face and smashing my lips onto his once again. 

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