Chilling with the boys pt.2(chapter11)

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"Daaammmiiieeeeennnn!!!!!!" We all hear someone shouting from somewhere in this huge house.
When we hear this person shout we all stop laughing.

"Momma bear is angry" one of the boys shouted making everyone laugh.
"Well I will appreciate it if you don't laugh at me guys" he said standing up.
"Coming now mom!!!!" He shouts.
"You better be coming now young man"
"Arieyane please come with me" he says and I just nod getting up and following after him walking down the long passage way leading to the front of the house then turning left going into a huge room.

"Yes mother" he says while looking down but I don't see who is taking to ....... and then suddenly the lights switch on and a beautiful woman is what I see in front of me ...... and all I can think is WOW!!!!! But when I realize that I have been staring and that they are looking at me expecting I snap out of it and start blushing
"I'm so sorry did you ask me something?" I ask shyly
"Oh my dear what is such a beautiful young lady like yourself doing around my son?" The lady asks me and I just laugh and blush.
"Hey mom you going on as if I don't get any beautiful ladies" Damien replies pouting.

"Aynways mom this is Arieyane my friend and Arie this is my mother Sapphire" he says introducing us and I walk over to, to shake her hand when all of a sudden she pulls me in for a hug.
"Hello beautiful don't be so formal around me really I do no harm" she says smiling at me sweetly and I just nod and smile at her.
"Yes ma'a- I mean Sapphire" I reply back smiling.
"Anyway I called you here for a reason Damien" Sapphire says to him making him look at her almost as if he is scared which I must say looked kinda....cute since he is portrayed as the BIG BAD BOY 🤣
"Yes mother" Damien replies back sounding as scared as he looks.
"Where the hell is my French Painting and Chinese glass set that was on the wall over there and the set in the cabinet over there?" She asks him pointing in all types of directions and he looks very scared and sighs loudly while I just stand there awkwardly looking at what is about to happen to him.... poor boy.

"Hmm urrggg urhhh b-b oh mother I forgot to tell you that I sent it away to get dusted and cleaned as a surprise" he says which makes her look very angry.
Before she could reply I say.
"Hey guys urh I don't want to seem like I am being busy body by listening to your conversation and all but ma'am urgggg this is really awkward" I say twisting my fingers becuase it's just a habit that I have for when I am nervous.

"Oh darlin' I am so sorry it's no problem I'm so sorry to be acting like this infront of a guest how unpleasant it is of me" she says coming to hug me and smiles.
"Damien please take Arie back to the other and do not think that this conversation is over" Sapphire tells Damien pointing her fingers at him.

"Yes mom I know I know" he replies holding his hands up in surrender, but yet he has a slight smile on his face.
"So let go Arie let's have some fun,bye mom" Damien says dragging me out of the room.

Once we are out of the room,  I let out  a deep breath and I look at Damien.

"Well you  certainly know how to get to your mom" I say giggling.

"Urhmmmm yeah but I do not  mean to do it, it just happens I guess?" Hey answers rubbing the back of his neck.

"Sure sure" I say and we both start laughing.


This is just a short update but I promise to continue from here ☺

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2018 ⏰

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