First day back (chapter 1)

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Arieyane's POV

"BEEEPPPBBEEEEEPPPPBBBEEEPPPBBEEPPPP!!!!!" went my alarm clock waking me up from me already restless sleep.

"Uuuuurrrggggghhhhh!!!!" I groaned as I slammed it hard making the horrible sound stop.

"Why must I even go to school why can't I just stay in bed and do my school work at home or get home schooled!!!" I asked myself screaming into my pillow.

"Wake up kids otherwise you are going to be late!!!" screamed my mom probably downstairs making breakfast for herself before she has to leave for work.

"Ma why do you have to shout so LOUD when you know we are already awake!?" My brother qustions but makes sure to emphasis the word "loud".

"Hey it's my job to make sure you guys are up and ready for school!!"replied mom.

"Oh really but pleas-

"Really Ma and Cody do you have to argue so early in the morning, not even Ma and dad would argue when pa was alive!" I shouted half angry, making them both quiet.

Yeah my dad is actually dead for 4 and a half years now but it is still a sensitive subject for my mom and brother, whereas I have came to terms that he is no longer with us and is in a much better place rather than in this horrible world we live in.

"Goodbye kids!" mom shouted and not long after I heard the front door closed

I goaned once more and finally got up and stretched and then started my morning routine, by brushing my teeth, washing my face, and then before I get dressed I cover up my bruises that can be seen, and then I get dressed once i'm ready I knock on my brothers door and wait for him to answer.

"Hey kiddo you ready?" He questions behind the door sounding like he is rushing.

"Urhhmm, yeah but you kinda need to hurry up otherwise I will be late for registration period" I said.

"I'll be down in a moment!" he shouted.

"Hurry up!!"I screamed walking to the kitchen and making me breakfast knowing my brother will still take some time before we leave for school.

"Bang" I heard a door slamming knowing my brother is finally ready, huh right timing I say in my mind mentally high fiving myself.

"You ready kiddo" I said mimicking my brothers voice errhh well actally trying to, when I see him walking into the kitchen, knowing it would irritate him.

"Ergg really Arie?" He groaned.

"Well stop calling me kiddo" I said spitting back.

"Hey chill" he said trying to hold in his laughter, because he likes to see me angry.

"Shut up" I say, looking down at my phone.

"Are we late" ask's my smartie pants of a brother.

"No we just the opposite of early" I replied annoyed because he likes stating the obvious.

"Can we leave?" I asked "Or do you still need to make a number two?"

"Eewwww no get in the car I will be there in a moment"he said sounding disgusted probebly by me insinuating that he needs to take a poop

"Okay, i will be waiting for you in the car" I shouted walking out the front door to the car.


Once we get to school I hopped out of the car, closing the door and making my way to class, but all of a sudden I got pushed against the lockers really hard trying to catch my breath, when all of a sudden i saw a person with blonde hair infront of me .

"Fancy seeing you on this fine Monday morning Christale".

"It's nice seeing you to nerd" she replied back.

"So what made you stop and greet me so nice today ?" I asked sarcastically.

"Well I am inviting you to my party this up coming weekend, and I wanted to know if you wanted to come ?"

Mmmm well this is strange she actually wants me to attend her party ? And she is being kinda nice to me which she never is, so she must definitely be up to something or maybe it is another one of her tricks, mmmm it ca-

All of a sudden someone brings me out of my thoughts by snapping their fingers at me.

"Helloooo I have been talking to you for about 2 minutes could you please just listen to me ?"Christalle says with her high pitched voice, pinching the tip of her nose.

Mmmm yeah i am listening".

"As I was saying you can come to my party, but if you do not want to come please make sure my boyfriend comes please" she said, but then all of a sudden I realised I do not know her boyfriend how must I make sure he attends her party ? Oh maybe I should ask her, I thought extremely confused.

"Uhhhmm"i say clearing my throat "how am I supposed to make sure your boyfriend gets to the party when I do not know his name, and where you live ?"I ask looking at her now smug face when I mentioned me not knowing him.

"Oh so you really do not know who my boyfriend is ?"she asks talking more to herself "let me give you a clue, or do you want to findout for yourself ?"

"Give me a clue" I say extremely anxious.

"Okay, you guys knew each other all your life and you guys went through the same events at basically the same time all your life"

Is this some game to her I ask myself narrowing my eyes at Christale, also thinking while processing what she said.Maybe it is Kevin ? Liam ?no it can't be Liam lives in Canada for 3 years already (and yes in this story they are her close friends and they knew each other since birth and they also lost their fathers, but Liam's father never died he left Liam and aunt Anne).Urrgggg this is to much thinking i might as well ask her who it is because I cannot think of anyone else.

"Can you tell me because the only people I can think of is Kevin and Liam and obviously it is not one of the two"

"Well obviously it is neither one of those idiots, anyway are you really sure you want me to tell you ?" She asks with a smug look on her face, and it actually made nervous.


"Well urrrmmmm uuhhhmmmm eerrmmmm" she said clearing her throat almost as if talking to a crowd, about to make an important announcement.

"Make it quick pleas-

Once again i am cut off by her.

"Brother" she says, making me sooooo confused is this girl seeing things? Because I am definately not her brother.

"What do you mean brother?" I ask.

"I said my boyfriend is Your brother" she says walking away really fast.

Trying to process her words, i took deep breathes when all of a sudden it felt as if someone was suffocating me, and then I fell down knocking my head really hard against the floor making everything turn black.

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