The New Draco Malfoy

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I wake up early in the morning and jump in the shower first as usual. The hot water feels great on my tense muscles and makes me feel a lot better. Everything just doesn't seem real. It all seems out of place and wrong. I like Draco Malfoy, a lot. Right now I just want to see him and talk. I want him to take me in his arms and hold me in such a tight embrace, so tight that I could never let go.

I shouldn't feel like this though. It's crazy. I mean, after all this time, have we finally become friends?

Draco's POV

I chuck another pillow at Crabbe to try and stop his snoring. Every morning I get woken up like this when I like to sleep in to at least eight. I sigh as I realize its no use. I angrily throw back my sheets and walk down to the common room. I look around and see that no one else is in there. I wonder around the room and sit down on the couch in front of the fire. Guilty thoughts wade through my mind as I remember this was where I treated Hermione so bad. She was too gentle and innocent and I pressured her too much. I called her a mudblood when there was no need. I shake my head as I try to forget that night. Why do I feel so guilty about this? I shouldn't care. I mean, I never care about anything.

I distract myself from my thoughts as I remember yesterday afternoon. She had forgiven me, and had told me exactly how I made her feel. Although I tried not to show it, her words meant a lot to me. I want to make a change. In fact I want to be a better person for her. For Hermione Granger.


After a shower, I hurry back to my room and dry my hair on the towel. I feel like a new me and today everything will be good. I mean, I don't know how long my positive attitude for this 'new me' will last, but I plan to make every minute of it count. I comb my light, thin hair back and put on my Slytherin robes. I then walk down the stairs and out of the common room. As I hurry along I finally find Hermione. I quickly look around to check that we are alone.

Then without hesitating I run up to her and kiss her. I've caught her by surprise and she stumbles back a little with shock. I pull away and grin at her. She looks up into my eyes with confusion for a moment but then a smile grows across her lips.

"Draco, I uh- wow." She laughs.

"Meet me in the prefects bathroom on the second floor tonight at 8:00." I say not bothering to ask her. I'm scared if I do, she'll say no.

"Ok." She says looking a little dazed.

I turn my back and walk the other way. I feel amazing, I feel like I'm in love.

Hermione's POV

I bring my two fingers up to my lips where they were just touched by Draco's. A tingling sensation ignites my body when I think of him telling me to meet him tonight. I mean, he just ran up and kissed me. And smiled. I let out a little laugh, he really does like me. I half skip-half walk to the Great Hall. When my eyes meet Harry's I immediately close my lips, trying to hide the smile that has grown on them. Even though we both said that we would just forget about our almost kiss, I can feel the tension in the air.

"Good morning Hermione." He says very politely.

I say good morning back and start eat my cereal, very awkwardly. Ron keeps staring at Harry, then at me, then back to Harry. I think he has noticed the coldness in our voices towards one another and the awkward tension that ignites the entire room.

"Did something happen to you two?" He finally speaks up.

"No." Harry says quickly, his voice a little higher pitched.

Ron eyes both of us suspiciously for a moment or two before he says okay, obviously not convinced.

We all sit there in silence for a bit before Ron starts telling Harry and I about how he caught Seamus and Parvati making out in one of the downstairs corridors. His words seem to just go straight into one of my ears and out the other because I am too distracted about tonight to pay attention to anything else. I turn my head slightly and glance around my shoulder. My eyes wander to the Slytherin table and I see Draco staring straight into my eyes. He looks around quickly to see if anyone is watching, and then gives me a tiny smile. I then do the same and laugh a little to myself. I kind of like having this whole secret thing with Draco. I turn back around and notice Harry looking behind me with confusion. A worried tingle quickly comes into my body and I'm scared that he just saw that. If he ever found out about this, he would never ever be friends with me again.


Hey everyone!

I finally updated! Sorry I've been so slack lately and this chapter isn't very long.

I just want to thank everyone though who is still reading this story.

On my first chapter, I have 2k reads. On my last chapter, (the one just before this), I have 100+. As you can see, not many people thought this story was good enough to stay around a finish it. So, I am so so grateful to the people who are staying around to finish it. So yeah, thank you so much xxxx

Stay beautiful,

-K, xx

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