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"Ready to dance?"

I turn around and see Draco smirking and holding out his hand for me to take.

"No." I reply simply but I still take his hand. As soon as I touch it I feel a bolt of electricity fill up my entire body just like what happened when he kissed me. I try to shake the feeling out of my body. I don't like Draco.

"What's wrong?" Draco asks.

I realize I have just been standing before him wonderstruck by the feeling of his hand. I must look like an idiot.

"Oh, I just think Ginny might of left the curling iron on that's all." I lie


We stare at each other for a few moments awkwardly before I break out eye contact and look around for Harry who has gone of to find his partner just like everyone else is currently doing.

The music starts and we make our way to the dance floor.

Draco gently places his hand on my waist and stares deep into my eyes as he holds out his hand for me. I put my hands in the right places as I shake a little. I feel so nervous and tingly when we touch. Draco must of seemed to notice this because he chuckled as he watched me shakily put my hand in his.

"I love the way your body reacts to me."

I freeze a little inside.

"I don't know what your talking about." I say as I try to concentrate on getting the steps right in the dance.

"Yes you do,"

I look back up to him and the corners of his lips curl.

"Admit it, you want me."

"I do not!" I quickly look around to see if anybody is listening to our conversation. Nobody is though, they're all to busy smiling and having a good time as they dance.

I am offended that Draco thinks I want him, how could he think I would like someone who was so shallow and rude and irritating! I remember when I actually considered asking Draco to the ball, I honestly have no idea why I thought that!

"That's it, come with me." Draco grabbed my wrists and pulled me off the dance floor. I tried to loosen his grip but he was too strong.

"Draco! What are you doing?" I squirm and try to break free. He doesn't answer, instead he just drags me through corridors until we reach the Slytherin common room.

"Please, where are you taking me?" I ask for the millionth time. This time Draco answers;

"I'm going to prove something to you." He replies calmly before saying the Slytherin password. The painting swings open and he lets go off my wrist. I quickly snatch it back and rub where he clasped me so tight.

"Come in here." Draco says as he gestures with his hands for me to come inside.

I had never been in the Slytherin common room before and being in it would feel funny, but for some reason I step inside.

There are three large couches made from dark green velvet, about a hundred moving paintings and a large portrait of Salizar Slytherin above the fire. Everything is so detailed, there is even little snake carved into the arms on some wooden chairs.

"Wow," I say as my eyes continue to wonder around the room.

"Everything is so co-" I was too busy looking around at everything to notice Draco standing right infront of me until he pulled me close and crashed his lips against mine. His lips fumble around against mine until they slip in like a jigsaw piece. He pulls away just enough to look me in the eyes. I think he's wondering if he wants me to kiss him. He opens his mouth to talk but I don't care if he was about to tell me when to find one million dollars, all I wanted to do was kiss him. It was extremely wrong but I didn't care, in that moment, I wanted him, just like he said. I cup his face and pull him close. I deepen this kiss a hold him tight. We fumble backwards never breaking the kiss until we reach the couch. I push him down onto it and he pulls off his shirt. I stare for a moment at his muscles and his perfectly fit stomach before I climb on top of him with my legs on both sides of his body. I trace the lines on his chest with my fingers and I feel Draco reach for the bottom of dress. I realize he wants me to take it off. I don't hesitate to do so, right now I couldn't care less about what I did with him. All I wanted was more and for this feeling to never end.

I manage to pull my dress over my shoulders and onto the floor.

I'm laying on top of Draco Malfoy in my bra and underwear. There's something I never thought I would ever say. Draco rolls over and now he's on top of me. He gently nibbles on my neck and kisses me all the way down to my navel. I try to speak but all that comes out is a quiet moan. It feels so good.

Draco sticks his fingers just inside of my panties and looks up at me like he's asking for permission. I freeze a little. Does he want to have it?

"No Draco," I speak up "This is wrong."

He looks at me disappointed and it almost looks like he's angry.

"Ok." He replies simply and stands up. He throws his shirt back on as I lay there awkwardly.

He gives me one last look and says in a very cold tone,

"You shouldn't be in the Slytherin common room,"

I don't reply instead I wait until he has walked up the stairs to his dormitory.

"Filthy little mud blood." I hear him mumble as he walks up the stairs.

I pang of sadness hits me in the heart. I'm used to him calling me a mud blood but this time it really hurt. I shouldn't of stopped on the couch, it's just I had never gone further then just kissing a guy before. I wasn't ready to do what Draco wanted to do.


"Hermione, where did you disappear to last night?" Harry asks as he sits beside me at the Gryffindor table the next day. Memories from the night before come straight to my head... the memories with Draco.

"Oh, I felt a bit sick so I went to lie down." I lie as I glance over at the Slytherin table. There's still no sign of Draco. I guess he probably just over slept.

Ron comes and sit downs opposite us and is studying our time table. With every thing that happened last night I forget to check mine.

"Could I have a look at that after you please?" I ask him.

"Yeah." Ron hands it to me and I wipe it in my jumper, (Ron's hands made it all clammy)

I find the Monday column and I run my finger down it as I scan through it. We have Care Of Magical Creatures with the Slytherin's.

Well, this should be interesting.

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