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It's 8:15pm. I've just walked out from the library where Draco and I have had a heavy make out session. My heart is still pounding and my legs are shaking. I really don't know why he kissed me or why I kissed him back. I like Harry not Malfoy, don't I? My shaky legs carry me up the changing staircases and to the Gryffindor common room entrance.

"Password?" The fat lady asks me as she takes a sip of some fancy wine she's drinking.

"Veela Bones." I reply.

The fat lady leans forward and the painting swings around the front. I step into and immediately bump into Fred Weasley.

"Sorry!" We both say at the same time.

"It's fine." Fred laughs.

I give him a small smile back and continue to make my way to the girls dormitory but Fred grabs my arm.

"Where have you been?" He asks, obviously noticing how weird I'm acting.

"Oh, just in the library with Dra-... um, I mean... er, by myself." I stutter

"Oh right," A huge grin grows on Fred's face, "By yourself."

Oh no. He's on to me.

"What do you mean?" I try to say as casually and calm as possible.

"Oh nothing, nothing." Fred chuckles and walks over to Lee Jordan and George who are trying out their homemade magical sweets. As he walks away he turns and gives me a quick wink.

He defiantly knows something's up.

I glance over the couch and see Harry and Cho arguing about something. I try not to eavesdrop but I can't help it.

"You can't just ditch me so you can go with Cedric!" Harry yells so loud that everyone stops what their doing and are now watching them argue.

"Well according to Rita Skeeter your having a secret relationship with Hermione Granger!" Cho yells back as she shoves the latest edition of the Daily Prophet in his face.

"Why would you believe anything that nasty old witch says, she's full of rubbish!"

"Then I guess she's just like you!" Cho throws the butter beer she had been drinking into Harry's face and everyone gasps. She gets up and walks out of the common room while Harry wipes the drink from his eyes. A few people giggle and the rest are all chattering about what just happened. I walk over to Harry and offer him a handkerchief from my pocket.

"Thanks." He laughs as he takes it.

"Are you ok?" I ask

"I'm fine, Cho's been reading what Rita's been saying and she believes her. It's pathetic really."

"Yeah, don't worry about them. If Rita wants to make up ridiculous rumors and Cho want to believe them, then so be it."

Harry smiles and I smile back.

"I'm going to bed." He says

"Yeah me too." I ruffle his hair up and he laughs.

"How was studying with Draco?" He asks

I remember everything that happened and I wonder if I should tell him. Maybe it would make him jealous and realize that some other people are interested in me too. No... Draco cant be interested in me... according to him I'm a 'filthy little mud blood.' I think I should just talk to Draco tomorrow and try and clear up what happened. Maybe we just got caught up in the moment, though I think no matter what, a kiss means something.

"Hermione? Helloooo?" Harry's voice echoes through my head and I realize I still haven't answered him.

"Oh um... yeah it was alright." I say as I tuck my bushy dark brown hair nervously behind my ear.

"I thought you would of studied for longer, you were only there for about 15 minutes."

"Oh yeah, we um...just discussed the topic and we got a few books to study by ourselves." I lie.

"Ok, well goodnight Hermione." Harry smiles


I watch Harry walk up the stairs with his perfect walk and as soon as he's out of sight, I head to my bed.

I just stare at the ceiling for a while and think as I try to sort out my emotions. My thoughts eventually drift away as I eventually fall asleep.

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