Kissing & Regrets

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7:45... 7:52... 7:58... The time is ticking away slowly. I'm already in the library, I always like to get to places early. Draco should be here any minute too, we have a whole lot of studying to do if we want to get good marks. I start to get a little nervous, Draco has always been rude towards me and he'll probably be just a rude tonight. I scan the list I made of all the topics we need to cover. I bite the end of my pencil, close my eyes and screw up my face a little as I try to think hard to see if I've missed anything.

"That's an attractive face, Granger." A rough voice says.

I open my eyes and see Draco looking at me with the right hand side of his lips slightly curled up as they usually are.

"Shall we start?" I ask, ignoring his snide remark.

"Oh, of course." He replies in a very posh tone, obviously trying to impersonate me. (It was a terrible impersonation for the record.)

Draco sits down beside me and looks at the list of everything we need to cover.

"Wow Granger, you really do try hard don't ya."

"My parents both pay a large amount of money for me to come to Hogwarts so I don't intend to make their money go to waste."

My family isn't poor, but we're not rich either. We are just kind of... in the middle. And what I said to Malfoy was true, if my parents are going to allow me to come to this school, I will try my very best everyday to make them proud and sort of say, thank you.

I look around the library. It's pretty much empty. I suppose everyone is hanging out in their common rooms. I wish I was up in the common rooms right now... with Harry. Thinking about him gives me a sinking feeling in my stomach. He's taking Cho to the dance, not me. He claims to be 'in love' with Cho, not me.

I sigh and hand a few books to Malfoy who just pushs almost to the other end of the table without even looking at them. I glare at him.

"Hey, we have to do this assignment!" I say pushing the pile of books towards him so they're practically right under his nose.

"But-... do we have to study?" He whines

"Draco, you are acting like a two year old."

"Can't we do something else instead, something fun."

I look into his eyes. He stares right back smirking.

"Studying can be fun." I mumble as I take my eyes away from his.

"Studying? Fun? Granger those two words don't even belong in the same sentence!" He chuckles

"Well fine, what's your idea of fun then?" I say letting the book I'm holding slam onto the desk.

"This." He whispers as he gets closer to me. He leans right in until we are practically touching noses. I just sit there nervously breathing heavily, having no idea what's going on. The smell of him from up close is intoxicating. It makes every part of my body tingle. His lips finally touch mine and it sends a jolt of electricity right down my spine. I kiss him back, even though I have no idea why. I don't even like Draco but I can't stop. His hand slides up to the side on my cheek and our kiss gets more passionate. The next minute I'm pressed against a bookshelf tugging on Draco's now ruffled up hair. My whole body ignites and even though Draco is my sworn enemy, I never want to stop kissing him. His hand slides down to my back, I pull him closer to me and wrap my tiny arms around his muscly body. I can't even think straight. Everything is so intense and rushed. Suddenly I remember Harry. How would he feel if his enemy had his hands all over me and I had mine all over him? And I love Harry...don't I?

My thoughts are interrupted as Draco pulls away. He looks directly at me for a few moments but then turns away, grabs his things and walks out of the library without another word. I just stand there for a moment, completely stunned.

A wave of panic rushes over me. I shouldn't over done that.

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