24 - Oh wow boy clothes.

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So, your boyfriend slept over and needs fresh clothes?

'I might have some of my ex's/brother's clothes in a drawer,' she says.

No, I say.

Stop it, I say.

Like just. no. I don't randomly have some of my brother's clothes in my wardrobe. Now, socks are a different story. All white socks look the same, I get it but I'm not a size 11 in men's footwear (my brother is 16 so yeah). And why the actual f*ck would you have your EX'S CLOTHES IN YOUR FLAT?! You guys are done, finished, so like just, why? Whywhywhywhywhywhywhywhywhy?

It's ridiculous and needs to stop.

I acc swore like a lot in this chapter so I cut all the swearing out but if you want to hear swearing I have this rant type book find it on my page ok ily you all and ask me questions in the comments

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