Chapter Eight

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She holed herself up in his room the rest of the day. Kitty took her food once, and Jake spoke to Deputy Miguel when he dropped by. He didn't expect Madeleine to come out of his room until the next morning, but she emerged when Kitty announced dinner.

Toni and Eric came for dinner, and the five of them talked while Madeleine ate quietly. Rather than look broken, as Jake half-expected she would, she appeared alert and thoughtful. Kitty stuffed her full of food. Eric seemed somewhat subdued, his normally open features cloudy.

After dinner, Madeleine and Eric moved to the bay window where she sat earlier to talk. Javier and Toni sat on the porch smoking cigars. Jake joined them, giving the two coworkers their privacy.

"Did Howard's folks miss another payment?" Javier asked casually.

"Yeah," Jake answered. "Should've posted yesterday and hasn't yet."

"I don't know, Javier, but I think this project is doomed," Toni said.

"How much we out?" Javier asked.

"Not much. Madeleine cut some corners and saved us some. We're out of pocket only about a hundred thousand," Jake said.

"Much better than the three million we were out last week," Toni said with a chuckle. "Javier, you're a brilliant businessman, but I have to tell you, I think this one's over."

"Looks like it."

"You're thinking of pulling out, tio?" Jake asked, surprised Javier would admit to making a mistake about a project.

"Looks like it," Javier said again. "Think you were right about this one, mi hijo."

"It'd be the first time," Jake said ruefully.

"Not so. You practically run the company."

"We run the company," Jake said.

"Could use someone with Maddy's business sense, though," Toni said. "Jake can build you a palace out of a stack of sand, but none of us has that money background like she does."

"No one can fire a man like she can, either," Javier agreed. "Poor Smithson …"

Jake smiled.

"Jake knows the offer’s open," Javier said. "Right, mi hijo?"

"Not my choice, tios," he said. "If she wants to stay, she knows she can."

"Good boy," Toni said.

They fell into quiet, his uncles puffing on cigars while he wondered what she'd end up doing. If she decided to stay to finish the project and nothing changed … well, he'd decided to give up on her.

He hoped it didn't come to that.

"Hey, guys," Eric said, stepping onto the porch.

"Eric," Toni said as he blew out a puff of smoke. "You ever try a cigar?"

"No, no, not my thing."

Javier reached into his pocket for another and clipped the end off. He handed it to Eric, who hesitated before taking it.

"Puff and I'll light."

Eric obeyed and coughed a few times. Jake watched, amused. Eric beat his chest and plopped into the chair between Javier and Toni.

"We'll make a man of you yet," Toni said.

"Great, thanks," Eric managed.

"Jake, do you have a minute?"

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