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DARK CLOUDS hung over the sky making the day seem dull, my silver eyes were focused on the town's board where important messages and other things that related to the Alpha King were showcased. If he were to hold a coronation the information would be plastered here, or if he were to get married it would be here as well.

I stare at a poster that was colourful and vibrant amongst the rest, this was abnormal, to say the least. Whatever was put up there normally was black and white and now there seemed to be a splash of colour just thrown at our unsuspecting eyes.

I slipped out of the growing crowd and untied my hair that had been up in a bun, my curly- but more wavy hair fell down past my shoulders and my small body slipped through the front door to my small family cottage.

"Mama, Papa did you see the poster?" I ask and my mom smiles nod furiously and claps her hands in happiness. "Why is he holding a Ball?" I untied my long cape-like a cloak and placed it on the coat rack.

"Well, of course, he's looking for the one, Haven!" I peeked at her with a doubting look and she sighed lowering her hands. "Okay.. because his Father is trying to make him step up as Alpha King and he needs a strong Female Alpha Queen to rule by his side." She says and I nod and smile at her, I kiss her cheek and greet my dad before making my way up the wooden stairs to greet my siblings.

I heard my twin sisters playing with their toys as they kept squealing and giggling. And I pushed open their door, "Haven!" They both squealed and jumped up to give me a hug, I smile at the two dorks and admired them.

They both had our mother's blonde hair but their hair was extremely curly, Carlisle had green eyes and Cecilia had blue eyes, but as for my brother and I, we both looked more like our father with his brown hair and my brother had his blue eyes. My family said my Silver eyes were passed down from my Great Grandma Jamie, who is still alive to this day.

"Hey you two, causing trouble I assume?" They both giggle and shrug before running around, Carlisle grabs her stuffed bunny and Cecilia grabs her frog before they run past me screaming for mom.

"You're home." My brother Adrianus says with a smile playing on his lips, I move forward and hug him tightly. We hadn't seen one another for days, as I had been on a quest with my dear friend, Rosemary.

"I am." I sigh into his chest and we finally part ways after speaking for half an hour, I slip into my room and turn on the light. It's a lot colder in here than the rest of the house because it had been vacant due to my absence and the door had been firmly shut.

I sigh and kick off my shoes before changing into pyjama pants and a long shirt, I then turn off the light and jump onto my cotton white blanket and pull myself under the covers before drifting off.


hey people. I'm excited to start writing this book!

Staged back when not modern. more stone age I guess, just when technology started to develop. all this is fake, there is no North Kingdom or king... Things go on my terms, and not everything is fact. Remember that.

Hasta la vista!

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