Kevin Part One

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It all started when I was home and got a message from my friend Yesenia she said if I wanted to go to her cousin's birthday party because she didn't want to go alone.  I didn't want to say no so I said esta bien. 

She said ok see you at 4:00 then.

I said ok see you then.

I was really tired but then I went to go take a shower.

I put a dress and I was looking for some pretty earing that's when my mom walks in I said I was going to go to a party she said ok and that she was going to go visit my Aunt and auncle's in San Francisco I said ok she said they would stay over for 2 or 3 days I said ok and she gaved me a kiss in the forehead and dad said bye and then they both left.

I put some make up and then I put my high heel when I was walking down stairs and  I heard a nocked in the door I opened it and I said ok let's go then. I thought it was Yesenia but it was William my X. I wanted to close the door but he put his feet in the door and couldn't close it I said what do you want? I let him come in and he said he was sorry for chitting on me and if we could get back togather.  I said no and that when Yesenia arrived and ask him to leave because I was leaving he walk out side and I locked the door and I was walking to Yesenia's car when William grabbs my hand and wouldn't let go and he said he was very sorry and would always love me and... I wouldn't believe it and he gave me a kiss in the cheek.  I walked to Yesenia's car and whipped it off. I felt like crying a bit I was keeping it all in. I told everything to Yesenia and so on.  We left.

Kevin OrtizWhere stories live. Discover now