Frodo- Don't

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CurleyCue17-the first request for the book! Thank you so much, dear! I hope you like it!

You held up your skirts with one hand as you pushed the gate to Hobbiton open with the other, a basket of leftover foods

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You held up your skirts with one hand as you pushed the gate to Hobbiton open with the other, a basket of leftover foods. You saw Frodo leave the party early and wanted to make sure he had some of your apple turnovers before they were taken by the rest of the hungry guests. Not that you were harboring a small crush on the blue-eyed Hobbit or anything, you just wanted to do something nice.

You walked up to the door and knocked, looking around as you waited. But after a few moments, no one came to the door so you knocked again. This time the door moved open with a familiar creak. You peeked your head in, looking around.

"Hello? Frodo?" You stepped inside, careful to avoid the papers strewn on the ground.

No one was home, that much you could tell. The candles were all cold, the kitchen pilfered, and Frodo's traveling cloak was missing. He was gone, and whatever the reason that made him leave made him leave quickly. Unsure of what to do, you left the basket of goodies on the kitchen table and raced over to Sam's home. If anyone knew where Frodo was, it would be Sam.

You stopped in your tracks, noticing the flickering candles in Sam's gardening shed were out. But Sam always had them burning when he worked, especially as the day started to grow dark. You looked around once more, taking note of his plants left where they were unburied and his tools scattered about in the flower beds.

Something wasn't right.

You went back to Fodo's home and grabbed one of his old cloaks and a sack to put the leftover food and a change of his old clothes in for you to carry as you set off to track him down. The Shire wasn't too large, you had traveled it all in two days once. But you had a feeling he wasn't in the Shire anymore.

Unsure of where to start you decide to head to the one place you had ever been to outside of the Shire.

The Prancing Pony.

As quickly as you could muster, you made your way to the small stronghold of Men, not at all liking the unusual screeching sounds of some kind odd night owl. It was nearly midnight when you reached the gate, the watcher looking at you with kind eyes.

"Ah well, it's you again eh little one?"

"Just here for a short while."

"Stay for the night little miss, it looks like it won't stop raining any time yet."

You smiled kindly. "A wise decision. Thank you."

He let you pass, mumbling something about another hobbit coming to Bree. You paused and backtracked, tugging on his cloak.

"watcher, I am not the first Hobbit to come here today am I?"

The Watcher shook his head. "Four, just like yourself, came not three hours earlier."

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