December 31, 2016

42 4 0

12/31/16 (& 1/1/17)

Dear Beth Cassidy,

I had hardly believed that you would actually take the time to gather pen and paper and set about to send me snail-mail. Color me impressed. Or blue. I could stand being colored blue as well. I personally prefer hand written letters for long distance communication, and I'm pleased to see that you find some form of value in it as well.

I would definitely love to visit you again sometime. The dinner was unlike anything I've ever had before. Claire was, perhaps, a bit eccentric, but by no means did she put me off from visiting campus again. I think her zeal for the school really made it come alive. She was, however, a completely different type of roommate than Seth, my roommate, who would probably rather stay all day inside on a computer than interact with other human beings. I will most certainly let you know when (notice, that says "when," not "if") I came back to visit again. Transferring is definitely on my list of things to think about. If I do come to a decision, you'll be one of the first to know, I'm sure!

I'm writing this almost literally as the clock is striking midnight, and you'll never believe what's happening. It's snowing. Real, fat, flakes of snow. It's almost like some sort of New Year's miracle. Speaking of which, I guess I should probably change the date up top to 1/1/17 and officially say "Happy New Year."

So, Happy New Year! And if it's not too late to say it, Merry Christmas!


Howard Davis

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