December 26, 2016

59 5 0


Dear Howard,

I know the standard of communication these days does not typically involve paper and pen, but as you did not give me anything besides your address, I had very little choice in how I ought to contact you.  

I must say, the conversation we had at the Christmas dinner was less than satisfactory, mostly due to the brevity of it. However, you seemed like a very respectable person, and I was happy to have at least gained your address from you so as to stay in contact.

I hope that my roommate, Claire, did not frighten you from looking around the campus a bit more. If you are serious about considering transferring to our college, you ought to know that there will rarely be anyone quite as crazy as her that you meet.

Perhaps you will be in California again soon, and we can meet again and talk longer? If you plan on visiting in the near future, please inform me so that I can plan accordingly.

Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year.


Beth Cassidy

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