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The art of building a Samurai sword is a long process. Today Master Akiyo was going to show me how to construct my own. My sword would rival even the ancient Samurai blade. I already had it in mind what it would look like. My nihonto would be 65cm long, perfect for my size, strength, and speed. The Tsuka would have a rounded Kashira, I would place my mother's Samurai clan's symbol where the menuki is placed. The tsuka would be braided with same-kawa to give me a good grip. As for the blade itself the fuchi would be circular in shape and it will have a pure gold habaki. My parents were the only family I had, so I was hoping that Master Akiyo would inscribe their names on the blade. The Saya or holster of my sword will be black as well with a gold sageo to tie around my waist. On the Saya I want my Master's clan to be inscribed upon it as well.

My master told me it would take a little over a month. He also wanted me to go out and look for the needed materials to build it. I longed for this moment. I was ready to seek to revenge I longed waited for. To save those who are in bondage from the tyranny of the Sinister 4. Their rule spread like wildfire with no one to stop them. I will. I have too.

"The hardest thing you have to find is the steel. Its a special kind of steel that is only found in Japan."

"Master if it found in Japan, how will I obtain it here?"

"Rumor has it that this steel though in low quantity can be found in the caves of Joppa, which is south of here, about 30 miles."

"30 miles?" I thought to myself. "What is this steel?"

"Tamahagene." He replied. "It is tough and sharp. Many in these lands do not realize that this the secret to our swords."

"Okay and after I find this steel?"

I need a buffalo horn, I would prefer shark skin for the Same, but you will snake skin will have to do, so find me a serpent with the desire skin. For the scabbard I will need a lightweight wood as well."

I found this list to be overwhelming, I had no clue as to how I would find all these things. "Yes master."

I left with my bokken and my mothers wakizashi in hand. I began my 30 hike south to the caves of Joppa. I never heard of such caves. As I traveled ran into different kinds of people. I also met with a man you was a buffalo herder.

"Excuse me sir mind if you lean my a buffalo horn?" I really did not know how else to ask.

He was a bulky man with hairy arms and he was bald. "May I ask why?" He voice was deep and dry.

Again I did not know how else to ask. "I am in need of its material."

"Well that's gonna cost ya."

I didn't have any money. I am under the impression though that master Akiyo sent me out here without it on purpose. I need that horn but how?

"I have no funds sir."

"Well I have no buffalo horns, now get off my property." He said in a smug tone as he began to turn away.

I was angered. Not only his rudeness but also because he was hindering my goals. "I need that buffalo horn NOW!"

He turned to face me again. "I don't care what you need...I said leave or ELSE!"

I do not like threats. "Or else what?" I said as I gripped the hilt of my bokken.

He did not know what it was that I was carrying, most likely he thought it was a walking stick. He reached over to his rifle and pointed it at me square in my face. I faced death twice in my life time, I did not fear it. Quickly I pull my bokken and swatted the the rifle. He pulled the trigger shooting the ground, I then pulled back and hammered the bulky herdsman in the skull knocking him out cold.

I ran inside what appeared to be a barn and I noticed several buffalo just standing there, off to the side there were buffalo horns that must have over time fallen off or was taken off. I ran over to the herder and checked his body, he had gold in his left pocket.

"I can use this as well."

I left his plantation and continued south.

I made to my destination. The caves of Joppa. The cave was dry and full of razor edge rocks, however I managed to climb my way through the cave. As I continued I saw a large rattlesnake. It noticed me as I approached. Perfect. I pulled out my wakizashi, the snake was coiled and ready to strike. He stepped closer to draw the snake out. The minute it struck I swiftly moved to the side and sliced off the snake's head. I had my skin. A nice black and golden color coat, just what I needed.

Not to far from the the snake I came across the steel that my master told me about, or at least what I assume it to be. I looked like rock, full of holes and sharp edges. I managed to chisel out a few ores and one huge ore. I figured to bring as much as I could.

"Better safe than sorry."

He traveled back to the village. His master waited for him.

"One month and you will have your Nihonto. One month you will be closer to your revenge."

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