How It All Began

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On July 31st 1980, twins Harry and Rose Potter were born. Both were loved equally by their parents James and - wait, I can't put these lies in my story. Ever since they were born, their parents favoured Harry more. They were captivated by his bright green eyes and mischievous personality.

On October 31st 1981, Harry and Rose were being looked after by their muggle grandparents while Lily and James were at an Order meeting. After killing the adults present, Voldemort looked at the two children. The boy was crying (Tom almost wanted to kill him just for that) yet the girl lay there staring into his soul - well, the soul his body contained. He could feel the power radiating off of Rose, so he pulled out his wand and cast the Killing curse, yet it bounced off the girl and onto him instead. Tom Riddle disappeared, Rose fell unconscious and Harry was hit by a plank of wood that fell from the ceiling, marking a V on his cheek.

Meanwhile at the Order, Dumbledore felt the wards falter on the Potter home and rushed there with Lily and James. He declared Harry as the Chosen One, the Boy Who Lived, while Rose was forgotten by all except her Godfather Remus and his husband, Sirius.

Little did Albus know that he had chosen The Wrong Twin.

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