What now?

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Alex looked up at me, "Laura, I..." he drifted off.

I knew exactly what he meant though.

Anthony looked at me smugly. He went to wrap his arm around me. "Now come on. I'm sure you don't want to stay with this ser-" He stopped as soon as I slapped him.

"Don't you dare ever touch me again! You can threaten me all you want, but I am going to the king and queen with this new information. No one deserves to be with you! You are a heartless wrench, who messes with people's hearts for fun! I don't care if you threaten to kick me out on the streets! I would much rather stay out there than in a castle with a liar. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go tell some people about you messing around with the maids!" I yelled at him angrily.

Anthony had turned white as a sheet.

"We already know." a voice said behind me.

I turned to see the king and queen standing their.

"Uh, I'm not going to go to jail for punching the prince am I?" I asked quietly.

"No, you're not. Honestly I'd be happy if you slapped him again." the queen said smiling.

"Oh. In that case..." I said. I spun around and punched him in the jaw.

I turned back to the king and queen. "He is going to be punished right?"

"Oh, don't worry I'll make sure of it." his grandmother said approaching them. "They don't give us canes for nothing!" she then pulled on her can and half of it came out as a sword.

I could hear the prince whimper behind me.

"Mother! Put away the sword!" the king said.

She reluctantly put away the sword. "I wasn't going to use it on him..." she mumbled.

"Thank you, for bringing this to our attention. He has actually tricked us into firing some maids because he said they made advances towards him. We should make him send out apologies." the queen said. "Come on Anthony!"

The prince slowly stepped around me and followed his parents.

"I'm sorry, Laura. You must think I'm repulsive. I'm not even sure how-" Alex began saying. I then put a finger to his lips.

"I want to say I'm sorry for thinking you were always out to get me. I should have listened to you and left the prince alone." I said.

"Its alright. I did seem pretty intimidating." He chuckled to himself.

"You were about as intimidating as a baby bunny." I teased.

"Oh really?" he replied.

"Yep." I said popping the p. "And, I don't think you're repulsive. You're actually kind of cute." I said.

"Kind of? I have been told I am very handsome." He said faking hurt.

"In your dreams." I laughed pushing him gently.

"Well, since you know how I feel, can I interest you in some lunch in town?" He asked.

"Of course, as long as the place has a burger. I've had enough fancy cuisine to last me a lifetime." I laughed.

"Where else?" he said.

He suddenly got a much more serious aura. He reached his hand out to cup my cheek. He stared deeply into my eyes and I stared back into his green ones. He then leaned forward and kissed me. This wasn't like a kiss I had ever shared with Anthony. This one was full of passion and love. I realized then, that somehow, I had found my prince.


Hey you guys!! This is the end of the story. I know, so sad. But if I have enough time I will make a epilogue. I have a great idea for it! You guys have been a wonderful audience! If you have any questions, I will answer any and all no matter how random.

Signing out,

Forever Faith

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