Living Like Royalty

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After the little fiasco last night, I wasn't exactly looking forward towards facing Alexander or Anthony. I still got up for breakfast though. I looked around in my suitcase for something suitable to wear to breakfast with royals. I finally settled on a pretty yellow blouse with white kapris. I French braided my hair down my to land on my shoulder. I grabbed a white pair of sandals and slipped them on. I quickly brushed my teeth and walked out to Anthony's door. I knocked politely on the white door. He opened the door and I saw him standing there with a plain navy blue shirt that hugged his body and a ripped pair of jeans.

"Good you're not in your boxers." I sighed in relief.

"Why? You want to see them?" he said with a devilish smile.

"No. I would like to have you help me find my way to breakfast." I replied.

"I'll take her to breakfast." a voice behind me said. I turned to see Damon smiling. Her offered his arm.

"Back off, Damon. Can't you see I'm trying to make a move on her? Don't ruin my chances!" Anthony huffed angrily.

Damon laughed. "We'll let the guest choose her suitor."

"Look, I just need directions to breakfast. I don't need an escort." I said getting in between them. I hate it when people argue. I hate it more when they're arguing about me. It doesn't happen often.

"Well, I'm taking her to breakfast." Anthony huffed. He grabbed my wrist and we walked down the hall.

We came to a set of big doors. Anthony pushed them open and led me inside. His mother, father, and grandmother were all ready sitting eating their breakfast. He pulled out my chair for me and sat down beside me. Damon came in behind us and sat across from me. Alexander then came in and began to deliver food. He set a plate in front of me filled with scrambled eggs, bacon, and toast with strawberry jam. I wanted to dig in, but you don't do that in front of the king and queen of a country. I ate my food at a reasonable speed trying not to wolf down the delicious looking food. I went to get up without noticing Alexander picking up the plates.

He collided with my chair, spilling the plates out of his hands onto, you guessed it, my head. I dropped like a stone.


I woke up in my room in the castle with an ice pack on my head.

"Ugh, I hate glass plates." I mumbled.

"You're awake!" Anthony said excitedly.

He lifted the ice pack off my head and helped me out of the bed. I tried to stand, but my knees buckled. Anthony, quick as a flash, caught me and lifted me up bridal style.

"Anthony..." I almost whispered.

He leaned towards my face, when suddenly the door opened. Anthony and I whipped our heads in the direction of the noise.

"I hope I'm not interrupting anything." Alexander said with a scowl.

I rolled my eyes and squirmed out of Anthony's grip.

"I just came to see if you needed anything else." Alexander stated.

"Nope, all good. Except, tell my parents I'll be gone this afternoon." Anthony said with his devilish smile.

Alexander let out a sigh and turned and left the room.

"Want to do some sight seeing?"

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