Chapter 10

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"Finally!" David sighed out, exhausted while he flopped down across the couch. 

For once it was good for the gang to be back in their own normal human selves without the smell of the sewer trailing behind them.

"It's good to be home" Teeders added. 

Although the gang did miss Roddy and Rita, that didn't mean they were never going to see them again.   

"There you guys are" Cynthia's parents then appeared and gasped in relief. Hugging their daughter, glad that everyone was okay. Until they realized what the kids had gotten into. 

"Cynthia Angelina Widdlestene the 1st! You have some serious explaining to do young lady!" Cynthia's mother Cassandra exclaimed in shock, seeing her daughter all dirty and her dress completely destroyed.

"You look like you'd prefer a master bath" Reginald claimed. "Shall I set up the usual?"

"Yes, Reginald" Cynthia told her butler to get her bath ready. Reginald nodded to her and then left to take care of that for her. 

"So, what happened to you guys?" Cynthia's father Christoperson asked, while plugging his nose from the smell of sewer coming from his daughter and her friends. 

"Hey, sometimes you just gotta get your shoes wet in order to have an adventure" Cynthia simply shrugged her shoulders, telling her parents. In a way showing that she didn't mind much getting dirty now. 

Cynthia's parents merely blinked at her in confusion, then left the room to go get towels for the rest of the gang to clean themselves off. 

"I wonder what animals we'll turn into during our next adventure" David randomly blurted out.  

"Whatever it is, count me out" Cynthia said, annoyed once again by David's antics. 

"But at least now you're not afraid of rats anymore, Cindy" Ann said.  

"Uh-uh, no way! I am NEVER dealing with ANY rodents in my life, EVER AGAIN" Cynthia proclaimed. 

"I don't know about that" Kali started towards her fashionista friend. "I recently won a few first-class tickets to Paris and there's this really amazing restaurant I've been wanting to try out there called 'Gusteau's" 

"Ooh, I'd like to go!" Teeders was totally interested, even though there were rats in Paris.  

"And Brock and I just got a book about a mouse wanting to become a knight and save a princess" Ann mentioned. 

Cynthia sighed in agony. For once could she at least get 12 minutes of quiet time without her friends blurting out on and on of starting new potential adventures with more rats and other rodents. 

"Boy, after all that action, I need to use the toilet" David said, getting up and headed towards the bathroom. 

"Kali Harpercop, now that you and your friends have completed this adventure, what are you gonna do next?" The narrator asked the adventure girl.  

"I'm gonna..... Use the toilet" Kali stated. "Just as soon as David gets out" she thought to herself.

"Wait a minute?..." Brock then remembered something and asked the gang. "Since we froze that sewer water with liquid nitrogen, wouldn't that cause for the toilets to get backed up?" 

The rest of the gang suddenly went wide-eyed, knowing that would cause bad problems for their plumbing systems. They quickly ran to the bathroom door and shouted out to warn David, but it was already too late. They heard the sound of the toilet flush, then water quickly spray out and the toilet exploded. 

"AAAHH!" The gang heard David scream, as a puddle of nasty toilet water trickled out from under the bathroom door. 

"Not to worry" Ann told the gang. "I'm sure the toxins will wash right out"  


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