Chapter 5

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Meanwhile, Cynthia was being held captive back at The Toad's lair.  

"Where are those idiots?!" The Toad yelled "It's so hard to get good help these days". The Toad then heard noises coming from the other room and the other hench-rats came running in, looking like they were trying to get away from something. 

"What happened?" The Toad groaned at his hench-rats. 

"The annoying little brat's out of control" one of the hench-rats replied, with a thimble over his nose. "She won't stop whining!" the fat one added. 

Cynthia then came in saying "Excuse me gentleman but how am I suppose to find a proper masseuse around here?". 

The Toad then came over to Cynthia, walking around and inspecting the teenage rat fashionista. "I must say, you my dear have to be the most unusual rodent I've ever met" he said before he then saw that she was holding Kali's crystal. 

"Although I must say that gem you have is quite fascinating" he leaned in to get a closer look. Cynthia clutched onto Kali's crystal, keeping it close, remembering how Kali said "In the wrong hands the crystal's power can become very dangerous". 

Spike and Whitey then came back, The Toad left Cynthia to go talk with them for a minute. Cynthia tilted her head and watched, although she couldn't make out much to what they were saying. 

"What do we do with her?" Spike and Whitey asked, pointing out to Cynthia. 

The Toad turned looking at Cynthia with contempt, thinking for a moment. "We'll use her as the bait" He smiled sneakily, thinking he could lure Rita and the others back. 

"Bait?! I don't have any part of this!" Cynthia started telling the Toad and his hench-rats. "I didn't even wish to be here in the first place!" she continued. "I HATE RATS!" The teen fashionista yelled out of anger and hatred. 

The Toad then stopped and turned to Cynthia, becoming interested in her after she mentioned her hatred of rodents. He then pondered for a minute, thinking he could use Cynthia for something.

"What if I were to tell you my pretty there was a way to end the entire rodent population" The Toad told Cynthia. 

"I'm listening-" Cynthia started, looking hesitant but a little interested in what the Toad had to say.

"I've never told any other rat this before" The Toad started, going over to his scrapbook to have a look inside. This was something very private and top-secret the Toad has never showed anyone else, not even his hench-rats. 

"I was once a pet to Prince Charles, until... it arrived" The Toad suddenly growled in anger over an old painful memory from his past. "It was a rat who cast me from paradise, and into this joyless, sunless void!" The Toad explained, feeling hurt and abandoned. 

Cynthia suddenly and actually felt shocked and sad for the Toad, learning about his past. Knowing that most villains usually turned bad over little things like that. 

"You see my parallelism follower, Rita has stolen something from me that's irreplaceable. The master cable, that's the whole key to ending the rat population" The Toad explained to Cynthia his plan. "So if you help me track done Rita then I promise you i'll get rid of all the rats in the sewers" The Toad was offering to make a deal with Cynthia. 

Cynthia felt agitated, thinking for a few minutes what she should do. "I hate where this is going" the dramatic fashionista said to herself.

Meanwhile, not too far outside from the Toad's lair, the whole gang was in the Jammy Dodger as they slowly started to approach. 

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