Chapter 3

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"So you're all from up top eh?" Whitey asked Roddy and Kali's gang while they were heading back to Spike and Whitey's boss's hideout. 

"I used to work in a laboratory up top. Yeah, big shampoo job. I was dark grey when we started. Still it cleared up me dandruff" Whitey explained to Kali's gang while they seemed a bit uncomfortable and confused. 

"Ulgh, that explains a lot" Cynthia commented on Whitey's story. 

"Where do you think they're taking us?" The Twins asked. "Beats me" David shrugged his shoulders.  

"Although I do wonder who this boss of their's is" Kali said. 

"I got a bad feeling about this" Teeders told the others. 

"You and me both sister" Kali agreed with her best friend, since they both shared similar senses with each other.

The gang then had arrived at the hideout, a place where the floodgates control-center building was. "Boss, we're back" Spike said as everyone entered the hideout. 

The hench-rats brought the group over to the boss's chair where he was sitting, while Kali's gang got a look around the room. Rita was the only one with her hands chained up so she wouldn't be vulnerable to fighting. 

"The ruby, I found it" Spike boasted. 

"Well technically Spike, it was Millicent that found it" Whitey corrected. 

"Um actually, the name's Roddy. And in exchange for my assistance I was hoping you might-" Roddy started as he came closer to the boss's chair. When suddenly a long sticky tongue launched out, catching a fly that flew by, which startled Roddy and the teens slightly. 

At first the teens were thinking it was a big rat until the boss got up from his chair. Cynthia's notions were right as she feared the worst. The hench-rats's boss turned to face the group, revealing to be a large toad. 

"Hello ugly" Kali and Teeders muttered, once they got a good look at the portly toad. Even Roddy jumped back, slightly shocked at the amphibian. Cynthia then fainted.

"Oh come on Cindy, it's not the fashion devil" David deadpanned while he got out a spray-bottle of armpit smell (from his own creation) to revive her with. When Cynthia woke up to see the toad she fainted again. 

"Can someone clout her?" Brock groaned over Cynthia's constant fainting. 

Kali then woke Cynthia up with one slap across the face, saying "Cynthia, the power of Lady Gaga compels you!". The young fashionista got back up on her feet. 

"Ugh I hate toads, almost as much as I hate the sewers!" Cynthia quietly pouted to herself.

"Hello, Rita" The Toad looked to the red-haired scavenger rat with disgust in his voice. 

"Hello handsome" Rita said back with a bit of sarcasm. 

"And who are these fine folks?" The Toad turned to Roddy and Kali's gang. "Is your new boyfriend the waiter?" The Toad asked Rita mockingly before looking over to Kali's gang and adding "And are these lovely children the entourage?". 

"Boyfriend!?" Rita interrogated. 

"Waiter!?" Roddy interrogated. 

"Children!?" Kali and her gang interrogated. They hated being called children, considering that Kali, David, Teeders, and Cynthia were 13, while the twins were 11. 

The Toad then snapped his finger and Spike gave him the ruby. "The prize returns to me" The Toad deviously chuckled, before he asked Rita "Did you image that I would let you steal it from me?". 

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