Chapter 6

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By the next morning the gang had been motoring along for awhile, when Ann finally spotted the Jammy Dodger up ahead. They came up to the Dodger's side and boarded the boat. The gang could hear Roddy down in the engine room. 

"I'm gonna give that conniving little toe-rag a piece of my mind" The gang saw Rita tighten her fist in anger before she headed down into the engine room.

The teens were about to follow after Rita when- "Guys wait" Kali stopped them. "I gotta tell you all something" She said. 

"What is it Kali?" Brock asked as he and the rest of the gang gathered. 

"Don't you guys think it's strange how Spike and Whitey almost caught us last night?" Kali asked the gang, recalling last night. 

"Yeah, it felt like they knew our exact location from the start" Ann added. The gang agreed, thinking something seemed fishy about all this. 

"You know, weirder things only started happening after we got Cynthia back from the Toad" David mentioned. Cynthia then started to back away from the others while they weren't looking. 

"You wouldn't happen to know anything about this, would you Cynthia?" Teeders asked the drama queen, fashionista of their gang. 

"What!?" Cynthia suddenly froze in her tracks. "Of course not!" she quickly replied while turning around to face her friends, smiling in that nervous manner. But the gang looked at her with deception, since they could clearly see the sweat coming down from her face. The teenagers then went down to the engine room.

The teens soon came down into the engine room, where Roddy had been quarreling with Rita. The teens soon learned that Roddy thought he had been double-crossed, and that Rita and her family were going to sell him to the Toad. But it turns out it was just a misunderstanding from Rita's brother Liam.

"Roddy how could you think Rita would sell you out!?" Teeders asked Roddy like he was out of his mind. "Thank you" Rita said to Teeders, glad to have the teens on her side. 

"When I make a deal, I make a deal" Rita told Roddy she'd NEVER go back on her word. 

"Yeah it's true" Ann added, believing the street rat, who she was really starting to look up to as a role model. 

"Your hair's on fire" Kali then pointed out to Roddy. 

"What?" Roddy asked, before realizing there was a little smoke coming from his hair. He panicked a little before quickly putting it out. "Rita look, i'm sorry. I was wrong, and I think we should just put it behind us" Roddy told Rita they could forget this ever happened.

"Okay, I suppose I could put it behind me" Rita said with a smirk, having something in mind for Roddy.

Rita ended up having Roddy being put on the toy rubber duck, stranding him. 

"This is such an overreaction" Roddy said "Rita, you can't just leave me here on a duck". The teens also thought Rita was being a little too harsh, planning on leaving Roddy stranded. Rita then threw Roddy a guitar for him to use as an oar. 

"You're getting everything you deserve, sneaking around eavesdropping on other people's conversations" Rita told the uptown city rat.  

"I was not sneaking around" Roddy said, thinking Rita was overacting when she said that.  

"Right" Rita gave him that look after filling up the boat with gas. 

"I say, you can't really intend to just strand me like this. You're not that heartless?" Roddy asked Rita. 

Rita then started up the engine and the boat took off, leaving Roddy behind. "Okay maybe you are" Roddy said. Kali and her gang watched poor Roddy trying to paddle after them on the boat. 

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