5: Energy Surge

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Darks POV

I laid beside Anti in the sofa bed. He was adorable, but I was sad that he had gone through so much. I noticed a slight green glow coming from his chest but ignored it. Since he took a step down from being the biggest bully in school, people took this as a chance to finally get to know him. While others took it as a chance to bully him. Of course, that never really worked. He'd always shoot a hurtful saying right back and they'd instantly go away.

But I knew it was getting to him. He'd say he was using the bathroom when really he was crying. We've made the fields into our little area. We practice our powers and just act goofy there. I've never thought about it but we go to a human school, but we're not human. I don't know what I am, my moms tried to see someone about it but never did.

Anti said his parents had him tested to find his species as soon as he was born. I'm kind of happy I haven't been tested because the procedure is just gross. Anti is a glitch, he can basically teleport but it looks like he's glitching. Antis Lucky becasue He's one of the four major species.

There's Human, Glitch, Pixels, Auras. There's many more species but those are the four that supposivly went to war. I dunno I don't really pay attention in history. I was lost in though when Anti started to stir. I held his hand thinking he was just gonna wake up. But he didn't.

"Anti? You okay?" His breathing hitched and his body started seizing. The green glow was very bright now." Anti? M-MOM!" My mom came running in and saw Anti." Mom What's happening?" She ran out of the room in a rush. Antis was having a seizure now and he wasn't breathing. I wrapped my arms around him hugging him." Anti! Please wake up!" My mom ran back in with a book." Okay, you said he was a glitch right?"

I nodded and I felt tears run down my face. I looked to Anti and saw he was crying also." H-help M-m-me." I sobs and brought him into a tight hug but let go when I felt a spark go threw me." MOM!" She was flipping through the book frantically reading." Okay, Dark I know this sounds like a lot but I need you to calm him down." I looked at my mom like she wears crazy, which she was." Mom he having a seizure, not breathing, and crying for help. How am I supposed to calm him down." My mom sat down on the bed." Dark, I'm going to try to say this as quickly as I can." I nodded and looked at Anti, he was getting worse second by second."D-Dark." I cried and held him in my arms ignoring the sparks.

"Okay, he's a glitch. If a glitch is in for example a car accident it can scar them for life. They will remember that moment forever. For Anti it was his family's abuse towards him. It triggers these energy surges. It starts a horrible pain in their chest and starts to make their powers go out of control. They have seizures and stop breathing. They are the only ones that go through this pain, pixels dont, auras dont, And humans dont.Dark, they need help from a loved one. He loves you. Help him." I looked at my mom then to Anti." I don't know how." Antis was starting to glitch right in front of me." You can do this."

I looked at Anti and held his hand." Anti, I need you look at me." He kept seizing and shook his head." I-I c-can't." I held Antis face gently in my hands." Anti, look at me." He slowly tried opening his eyes and let out a sob. He tried breathing and his eyes slowly opened. They were brightly glowing and full of fear, and tears." Now Anti I need you to breath." He shook his head" Anti breath with me. In, and out." I breathed and soon enough Anti joined with me. His breaths were shaky and raspy. 

Okay that was good, now to stop the seizure, how do you stop a seizure?"Uh Okay, Anti hold my hand." He nodded and slowly held my hand." Breath in and out, now say this. I'm okay." He opened his mouth and closed it." I-I'm-m O-ok-Kay." I smiled and held his other hand as the his body started to stop seizing." Now say it again." He breathed in shaky breaths." I'm oh.kay." I held Out my pointer finger." One more time." He held my other hand and sat up." I'm okay." I smiled and brought him in a hug." Your Okay."

His smiled faded and he looked down." These are permanent aren't they?" I sadly nodded and saw tears form in his eyes." I-I'm Sorry." I held his face and smiled." What do you have to be sorry for? You did nothing." He started to cry and shook his head." No, I'm sorry for being a jerk. I'm sorry for the name calling. I'm sorry for being a baby, I'm sorry for being such a pain. I'm so so sorry." I hugged him tightly and rubbed his back.

" Anti, I love you so so much. Your not a baby and your not a pain. Your one of the best things that ever happened to me. I haven't been this happy in years. I love you. I'll always love you. Forever." He sniffed and pulled back." Your really cheesy you know that?" I laughed and kissed him." I know, but you love it." He laugh and we sat there hugging.

My mom smiled and took out her phone. She snapped a picture and left the room. I didn't know but her and my dad were watching us from the kitchen." You are my sunshine, my only sunshine." Anti laughed and looked at me." You make me happy when sky's are grey." I smiled and continued the song." You'll never know, dear, how much I love you." As we hugged we sang the last part together." Please don't take, my sunshine away.".

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