The Chef

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Was hard at work.

Perfecting his plan,

For the perfect evening,

For whoever walked through the door.

Diligently he worked,

On the meals to come,

Piece by piece,

They came along.

Time wasn't on his side,

He felt that from the start.

His big plans might not work,

But he kept working on.

Alas he made some progress,

And it wasn't before long,

He was done with the first half,

He became cheery and even sang a song,

As he worked hard on his version of art,

His pace quickened.

Before long he was complete and content.

Many meals and flavors laid strung about.

From entree to deserts,

People could have their fill.

He sat patiently,

And waited for while.

He eyed the clock,

He was done early to his shock.

He relaxed for a bit,

While he sit,

He began to slip,

Into an intoxicating rest,

That he could not resist...


A few minutes later he awoke with a shock.

"My guests! My food! My work!"

He exclaimed,

But to his suprise,

Everything was the same.

Nothing was touched,

Nothing was moved.

He began to look,

To see if anyone had appeared.

Mid investigation,

The phone began to ring.

He dashed to it quickly,

And picked it up quite swiftly.

"Hello?" He asked a tad reserved.

"Hey Dad." The caller said smoothly,

"Me and the wife arnt coming tonight. The kids don't want to go,
And we just got them meals, alright?
I hope it's ok, I know it's been a while,
But maybe some other time."

The Chef's heart broke,

At this brief interaction.

He sat down to look at his work,

In an attempt as a distraction,

But it did not work,

And it didn't take long.

The Chef cried where he sat,

And left everything alone.

He slowly got up,

Made way to his room,

Where he quietly wept,

For his son to come home.

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