The End

75 7 10

Stunned everyone in the audience.

The current closed so suddenly,

No one even had time to applaud.

This set an uncomfortable mood in the crowd,

Yet what they just witnessed was so beautiful,

No one dared to leave their seats.

How could they abandon the room after such a spectical?

Tears of their inevitable loss began quietly streaming down many faces in the room.

They did not know why they cry,

But they know they were sad.

Was the play that good?

Or was it the fact the ending was so unplanned?

Whatever it was the ghostly silence that conquered the room was obvious to all.

It felt more of a funeral than a play.

This left a heavy hearted feeling among most.

For it was the end.

Nothing like it would come to be for as long as they lived.

Copies would be made no doubt,

But this was the beginning of something.

And just like that,

It was gone.


This indeed was a funeral,

Of an era.

"Let burn the past,
So a cleaner future may rise."

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