Chapter 11 | New Friends

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I feel my eyes flutter at the sudden brightness shining in my direction. I open them immediately and sit up straight on my bed. Jed is sitting by me, checking my temperature.

"Jed, I'm fine, you don't need to worry. You can go." I yawn whilst I fan my hands at him.

"No. As soon as you set foot in the house ,yesterday, you collapsed. How can I not worry?" Jed raised his voice.

I get out of bed and start to get ready for school.

"You need to leave I'm getting ready for school." I tell him. Instantly, Jed leaves my room.

After I've had my shower, I pick out a black top, leather jacket, trainers and jeans to go to school. I put my books in my bag and I go downstairs.

"Have you taken your injection?" Cindy asks me whilst I munch on a piece of toast.

"No and I refuse to take them." She gasps and gives an alarming look at Jed.

"Don't worry Cindy, he doesn't need to take them anymore. Commander's orders." Jed says as he pours multi-grain cereal into a bowl of milk. She nods and continues to eat her breakfast in silence.

"So, Cindy what do you do all day since you don't go to school?" I try to change the subject.

"I go back to the S.S and do my training." She said sternly.

"Okay. Well... I got to go now." I say as the moods radiates an awkward vibe. I step out the kitchen, walking towards the front door and out to leave for school.

I walk down the road and take a left turn and I find myself on a busy road. I stroll down the road kicking the dead leaves as I walk. When I reach the end of the road I take a right turn and the school appears in front of me.

Its tall and wide figure takes up the most space in the area. The three individual blocks acceed the same height and stand a few metres from each like an arranged class photo.

I make my way up to the entrance and walk to straight towards my form room, without paying much attention to what's around me. I arrive there on time and it's just Ms. Moon and I in the room. Neither of us make eye contact with each other nor we talk.

Little by little, groups of students take their seats and chat with their friends as they wait for the form session to start.

As the register was about to be taken, Cara run into the classroom. Her hair is in a loose low ponytail and her green eyes flash in my direction. When she takes her seat she whispers to me.

"Remember our deal?"

"Yes." I reply.

"Good." She clarifies.

Ms. Moon takes the register and submits it into the system. Then she goes on about good ways to revise and stuff. I listen for the first few minutes then my mind wanders off.

As soon as Ms. Moon finished talking it was time to go. I step out the classroom first and go to my lesson.


When lunchtime arrived, I went to the cafeteria. It was packed with people munching on all types of food. Chicken, chips, crisps, sandwiches, sweets and chocolate. The hum of talking people was equivalent to the sound of a microwave as they chatted with their friends.

I made my way up to the never ending cue. When it was finally time to pick something to eat, most of the food was gone. The only things that was left was a few veggie burgers, some chips and macaroni and cheese.

The burger looked like some type of animal sick that got put in a mould, got frozen and then fried, so I chose the other meal. Once I paid, London called me over to sit with her and her crew.

I took the seat next to the blond haired guy. When I took a mouthful of macaroni, London flinched and tipped up Cara's tray as soon as she passed and all of her food fell on her clothes. Cara ran out the cafeteria with tears glistening in her eyes. I felt the heat of anger rush through my body and I recklessly stood up.


"Yeah." She turned to face me, sassily.

"Why did you do that?" I said agitatedly.

"What?" She laughed.

"You know what, I can't stand to be around a bitch like you. Go ask all the guys you fucked for the money they owe you, you prostitute." I shouted and picked up my tray angrily and walk away from them. The whole room went silent.

"Well too bad, loser. I was starting to like you but I changed my mind." London's weak voice echoed, rippling across the room after me.

I wonder through the cafeteria thinking who to sit with.  Then Cole came to mind.

'My name's Cole you can hang around with me if you want.'

I walk up to the table he's having lunch at with his friends. The volume of chattering slowly increased.

"Hey, can I sit with you guys."  I sighed.

"Of course." Cole made space for me.

"I thought that was pretty cool what you did just there. No one stands up to London in front of such a big crowd." One of his friends say, applauding me. "I'm Jesse by the way." He holds out a hand and I shake it.

He has dark brown dreads and warm brown eyes, you can tell this guy's a nice person just by looking at him.

"I'm Samuel." Cole's other friend says. He has pale, ivory skin, shiny black hair and dark eyes that look almost black.

"Since you guys are done introducing yourselves, let me just say, Ash, you've escaped the menacing claws of London Fellen!" Cole places a hand to his on my shoulder.

"Don't worry, Ash he's always like that about London." Jesse chuckles as Cole sips his Coke.

"Maybe he secretly likes her." Samuel jokes. Cole chokes on his drink and starts coughing. We all burst into laughter.

"Never... say that...again." Cole pants, " London is a disease and you mentioning her like that almost killed me!"

We laugh even harder and keep talking and eating until it was time to go class.


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Ash finally steps up for Cara, will London still bully her?

Happy Reading! 💕

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