Chapter 9 | The Argument

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I'm back at the S.S. base and I'm at the outdoor circuit court. The grey clouds cry down heavy rain as I climb over the wet obstacles. I run towards the soggy rope and grip it hard, the weight of my backpack forced me to look down. There was raging and unusual waters, it's muddy pink colour resembles my cold rosy cheeks. There was a thin plank of wood used for a landing and I aim to get there because if I fall in the water,in this course, I have to start again.

I fling myself to the other side, I placed my feet on the wobbling plank of wood and buckled as I landed. I run under a net and crawl through it. It's holes wrap around my feet causing me to get stuck halfway through, but I continue to plough on and I escape the tangling hands of the ferocious nets.

The last obstacle is the 25K run. And it was the hardest one to accomplish.

This obstacle broke you, not only physically, but mentally as well. It disintegrated any motivation or positivity that swam around your mind. It murdered your legs for sure, there are even stories of trainee assassins going mental before running. This obstacle didn't only chew you up and spit you back out. It grilled you and tore you apart. It chewed you tender and slowly, increasing your pain. Then it spat you onto the muddy ground and crushed you under its feet.

We assassins called it the DEVIL'S RUN because it always found a way to torture and deceive you.

I wasn't prepared to do this but I couldn't forfeit. That wasn't an option because that proved that you are weak.

I jog slowly and attempt to pace myself. As I continue to run, I allow the DEVIL'S RUN's torture to feed on me. I reach for my bottle in my backpack and I notice it is half full. I shouldn't drink anymore or I'll get a stitch.

Nausea hits my head I feel the rippling shock waves flow through my body causing my legs to shake. I have to continue. I turn around and I see a faint, blurry silhouette of someone running. I need to run faster, I can't afford someone catching up to me.

I continue my draining run and I eventually see a finish line. I run as fast as I possibly can to get there, but suddenly I feel a shove. It makes fall to the ground. In front of me is a guy running to the finish line. I feel anger and adrenaline bubble inside of me and I sprint to him, my legs flying. He tries to shove me out of his way.

"Move, you bastard!" He pushes.

"NEVER!" I screamed, my voice reaching extremely high octaves I thought I could never reach.

He continued to push me, shaking his wet blond hair in my face.

"That's it you son of a bitch!" I shouted.

With all my remaining strength I kick him in the shin, tripping him up, and he tumbles over. I run to the finish line and rip the thin white line of paper as I run through it.

"I made it," I whispered breathlessly as I fall to the ground. I feel a warm blanket engulf me as sturdy arms pick me up so I can sit on a bench inside a shelter.

"Well done, Bambi. You have just achieved the fasted time in S.S. history." A man dressed in khaki congratulates me. His muscles stand proud on his athletic body and his black hair is neatly combed out of his face. It was the Commander.

"Thank you, Sir," I said as I try and salute him.

"No time for that now, soldier, you need something to eat and some rest." He replied as he walks out of the copper shelter. The rain made the metal transform from its metallic brown to a bright, decorative teal green.

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