Epilogue: If I Never Knew You

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Come on, be honest. How many of you completely forgot that the whole story was just "present-day you" actually reading all of this from her journal? X3


Y/N's Pov. (FINALLY, it's you time! XD )

My hands were trembling... My face now red from the tears that feel down my face, smudging some of the words on the page. I dropped the journal, and it landed on the ground with a slight 'thud,' still open the final page I was reading. Some of the ink leaked down as if the words in the journal were written down just recently. A part of me still wanted to think that this was all just some joke, but I knew better... If I had told anyone else about this, they would've just laughed it off and told me to not "fangirl" so much over a video game character. But this... this wasn't just a game anymore... The way it was written, with such detail, like it was actually from memory, that made it sound more than just a story... It felt so real... If it didn't, I wouldn't be crying right now over it. All these new memories flashed in my head as I was reading like I was remembering something from a past life.

I pick up the book from the ground and looked at it, some of the writing now gone from my tears. I sigh sadly, slowly closing my book when I stopped. There was still one page left... I quickly open to the page and read it, and right from the start, I could tell that this wasn't Link's writing.

Dear child,
We know that you are now saddened upon remembering the past. But do not be, at least not until we ask you our question. We have raised you and hoped that we could be with you forever, but we knew that it wouldn't last. We knew how much you wanted to touch Link and be by his side for the rest of your life. And you got your wish, which makes us glad. Hopefully, up until now, you've had a good life. We've been watching over you ever since you were reborn, waiting until the day we could give you the journal. You have now grown up, and the time has come for you to decide. Our final question for you is... Do you wish to return?

At the very bottom of the page were two words: Yes and No.

You have no idea how fast I ran over to my desk, grabbed a pen, and circled the word Yes. (If you would ever circle No ... Why? -_- ) At first, nothing happened, and I sighed.
"Why would I even expect something to happen? It was just a question after all..." I thought aloud and couldn't help but frown sadly, somewhat hoping that something might happen. After reading and remembering what had happened, I want to go back. I want to see Link. I want to see his smile. I want to feel his arms around me and his lips on mine, like I did so many centuries ago... But I knew that it would never happen again... I place the journal down on my table, looking down at it once more. I sigh and am about to walk away when I notice that all the writing suddenly turns a pale yellow color.
"Your wish shall be granted..." I heard several voices speak before I feel myself blackout. The last thing I saw was a bright golden light surrounding me.

My eyes slowly flutter open and I see... green? I sit up and look around, seeing that I was in a forest. I look down at myself. I was wearing a F/C dress. I noticed a strand of white hair falling over my face and notice that my hair was now snow white, just like... I gasp and immediately stand up to get a better look around. I feel the wind blowing through the trees as if it was trying to lead me somewhere. Hesitant at first, I followed after the breeze. It leads me to an open meadow filled with flowers.
"This place feels... familiar." I mumble as I look around, remembering that this was the place where Link first saw what I looked like behind my mask. I blush slightly as I walk through the flower field. I notice a figure in green, not too far from me, standing in a patch of flowers, seeming to collect some of them. My eyes widen once I realize who it is.
"Link?" I ask. Link stops and turns around to me, his eyes widening as he drops the flowers in his hands, which were carried off by the breeze. He looked slightly older than he did when I last saw him. All noise seems to stop, the only thing being heard is the wind blowing through the meadow. Neither of us says anything, just looking at one another in silence. All of a sudden, Link bolts towards me and pulls me into a hug before I could even react.
"I missed you... so much..." I hear him say, his tears falling down. I smile warmly and hug him back, tears threatening to fall from my own eyes. It felt so right. That one moment felt so perfect that I never wanted it to end.

"And I'm so grateful to you." I sing, pulling back from the hug and looking up at Link.

"I'd have lived my whole life through." Link sings in turn.

"Empty as the sky." I move my hands behind Link's neck.

"Never knowing why." Link wraps his arms around my waist.

"Lost forever... If I never knew you." We finish with a passionate kiss, one that I would never forget...

The End


Well, sadly, that's the end of the story. The song, by the way, was "If I Never Knew You" from Disney's Pocahontas. Hope you guys enjoyed it. :) I had a lot of fun writing this story, though I did cry at some points while writing it.

Also, can anyone guess who wrote the last page and sent you the journal? :3 You will get virtual cookies if you guess it correctly. X3

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