Saving Grace: The Glory of Love Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

1 Corinthians 10:13 No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it.

It was like any normal Sunday morning. I got up, put on a nice dress and rode to church with Mom. I went to sit with Hope and Tim and Mom sat on the other side of the church with Dr. and Mrs. Gilcrest. Praise and Worship began and all of a sudden someone slipped into the pew beside me and wrapped their arm around my waist. I looked over to see Jake staring down at me with a smile on his face. I just smiled up at him. I looked across the church to see that Dr. Palmer was sitting with Mom.

Pastor spoke on the power of forgiveness. And deep down I knew that Jake and I did right by forgiving John. After church the Gilcrest's and Tim, Jake, Dr. Palmer, Mom and I went to the Mexican restaurant for lunch and then we went home and changed and met up at Hope's to head to Vero to pick out the guys tuxes.

Jake and I climbed into the back seat and it was always like we were in our own world back there. Hope and Tim normally carried on their own conversations and Jake and I would carry on our own. Every once in a while we would talk between the front and the back seat, but most of the conversations were private.

I buckled up, but turned my back to the door so I could look at him while we talked. Jake reached over and grabbed my hand and started rubbing my hand and tracing my veins and fingers with his other hand.

"Can I ask you something?" Jake asked.


"How did pastor know we went to see John? I mean talking about forgiveness and everything."

"The pastor prays and God leads him what to preach about. No one told him. It is funny how so many times in my life he has preached exactly what I needed to hear."

"Jake, can I ask you something?"


"Why don't you talk about your Mom?"

"It was Mom's decision to leave. She left my dad and me, and he wanted to move back here to 'find his roots' and now looking back, I think he also wanted to find your mom. My Mom was very selfish, she wanted to go and find herself. She acts like a 20 year old, yet she is in her 40's. She has not called to talk to me. I tried at first, but it became very evident that she did not want anything to do with me. Now she doesn't return calls or emails."

"Does that bother you?"

"Not anymore. Like I said, she is very selfish and the world has to revolve around her. I don't blame Dad for leaving Gainesville anymore either. At first I was mad that he did not fight to keep the marriage together. Then I remembered that he had been trying for a couple of years and she did everything to end it."

"Do you think you will see her again?"

"I don't know. She has my number, she has my email and she has my address. But, I don't see her contacting me. I think I cramp her cougar lifestyle. Dad contacted her to let her know we were moving here and he found out she was dating a 24 year old pre-med major."

"I am so sorry." I didn't know what else to say. I could not imagine a mother who would abandon her child...especially an awesome person like Jake.

"It is OK. She really left us mentally about three years before she officially left. It is her loss. I mean someday if she wants to see me, I will see her, but I am not wasting my life waiting for her."

"I love you!"

"I know you do! And it amazes me everyday that you love me! I am blessed that you are in my life! I never want to lose you! Promise me that no matter what happens with our parents, that it will not hinder our relationship."

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