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Here He was. No One was there, too. They stood out. But the crowd flowed on. But one small child, seemingly insignificant, watched, transfixed, on the scene.

The child was homeless and frail. He helped the child, and No One hated Him for it. You see, No One wanted the child for himself, but He wouldn't let No One take the child.

He knew that if the child was given to No One, who knows what would have happened. He knew that the child could see. No One knew it, too. That is why only the child could see Him and No One.

He held up His hand. Nestled inside, was a small sphere. It glowed in a brilliant light. The child, curiously, began to slowly walk towards Him and No One. No One glanced his way, before locking his eyes on the sphere.

He beckoned to the child. "Come, little one. This is your destiny, and you must take it." The child gently took the sphere. No One growled at the transfer. " Give him to me and all will be well." He looked at the child and grinned evilly. The child cowered behind Him.

He said to No One," This child will never be in your dirty hands. It belongs to me." He bent towards the child, and whispered "Have courage little one. All will be well if you remember reality. Now go. Run and don't look back." He pushed the child, who fearfully clutched the sphere and skittered away. 

No One growled at Him. He looked back, calm and serene. "Old fool. You will fall and Chaos shall rise!" No One hissed. "Not likely." He said. No One's eyes filled with black rage. With a flutter of robes, No One leaped at Him........

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