Young Justice x Reader

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This isn't a continuation to the previous one.

Your eyes were closed as you welcomed the silence. You were using the silence as a chance to plan your next attempt at escape. Everything as become much clearer now that the genomorphs have been removed from your pod. The forced knowledge being implanted into your brain has stopped, and you no longer hear the terrible plans of the Light. As a considered failed experiment, you no longer had any use to CADMUS, so the board did not want to waste resources on you. As your mind tried to figure out a way to get out of the pod, it began to wander to when they told you that you were of no more use to the organization.

"CADMUS has no use for you. Project KR will take your place. Not only did you have a failed growth, taking about a year to grow, but your unwillingness to go towards the Light has proven problematic. Project KR has the DNA of the Superman while you have the unnecessary blood of Subject 70781. You are useless and will be deconstructed accordingly." The genomorph's voice droned into her mind as it leapt off her shoulder and out of the pod. She felt bare without the genomorph, it had been with her since her creation, and had given her images of things she would not have been able to experience otherwise, like the moon or her personal favorite, the ocean and rain. Soothing sounds of thunder would put her to sleep before the 'education' would continue. Now that temporary peace was gone, and a deafening silence was all she heard as the lab was emptied out. She couldn't move, and had never felt as hopeless she did right now."

Deconstruction will happen soon, you thought, I have to get out.

Suddenly, your lab room began to shake violently. As you looked up, you saw dust rain from the ceiling. A familiar frequency forced its way into your mind and pushed all other thoughts away, leaving you a mindless slave to the genomorph's orders.

"Intruders have escaped from Sub-Level 52. They have stolen the weapon and are sttempting escape to the surface. Stop intruders by all necessary means, do not kill." The genomorph's voice resonated in your skull as the pod door flung open.

Your eyes glowed a bright purple as a whole formed in the ceiling above you. You floated upwards and started your ascend towards the intruders' whereabouts.

Meanwhile, Robin, Kid Flash, Aqualad and Superboy were being cornered by the genomorphs. The floor in front of them opened and the team held their breath, thinking the Justice League might have finally arrived. Instead, you floated through, under the genomorph control. A humanoid genomorph with red glowing horns began to speak and you grew slightly confused (you didn't get the whole message sbout being brothers and sisters since I didn't want Superboy seeing you as a sister or you seeing Superboy as a brother).

Am I not supposed to attack? You questioned but as Doctor Desmond came into view, a genomorph jumped onto your shoulder and sent your brain a signal, sending you right back into a empty state of mind.

You snarled, assuming a fighting stance as the teenagers backed up.

"Another one?" The mustard bottle look alike complained.

"This one seems more brainless than Superboy!" The strangely colorful tiny elf said with a grin.

"Enough. She is more than likely not aware of her own actions. There is a genomorph on her shoulder, she's being controlled. We need to set her free." The dark-skinned male with strange tattoos, said with a weirdly sophisticated tone.

"She seems familiar..." Project KR muttered under his breath.

"What would happen if we can't free her?" Mustard Bottle asked.

Tattooed Prince lit up his arms, causing two maces to appear in his hands as he positioned himself to fight, "We will free her."

Desmond's transformation completed and a weird troll in the middle of shedding was left in his place.

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