Mortal Cup and language

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(Pipers pov)
"Wait" Alec whispers and pulls me into a soft kiss, it was sweet and kind like him and perfect, I kissed him back and we pulled apart.

"Wow" I whispered and all he did was nod,

"I've liked you since the day I met you, and I'd be damned if I let you be with anyone else, so would you be my girlfriend?" I smile widely and nod

"Of course Alec, how could I not?" I smile and he pecks my lips. Smiling wider then I've ever seen him smile since I met him.

"I have to get back to my Mom, talk later?" I nod and kiss his cheek as he walked out

"Wow Piper who would've guessed you would've finally admitted your feelings" Ashlynn smirks with Jace beside her.

"Took you two long enough" Jace scoffed, I smirked at Ashlynn

"Now it's just up to you" I said as she glared at me, Jace looked very confused at her glare when Clary walked in with Thomas behind.

"I know where the cup is" Clary stated,

"Come again?" Jace asked

"The tarrot cards, My mom, she must have painted them years ago, but the Mortal Cup has to be hidden inside the Ace of Cups. The card looks exactly like it." Clary says. We all look at each other knowing Dot is gone.

"Wait, why aren't you guys happy about this? All we have to do is find Dot." Clary mumbles the last part

"If Dot had the cards when she was taken, we don't have much time. If Valentine gets his hands on the Cup-" Thomas starts and Magnus cuts him off

"We know. If Valentine started creating Shadowhunters or gained control of demons, it'd be like Beyonce riding on a dinosaur through Times Square. People would notice." Magnus states

"But he can control demons. I've seen it." Clary questions

"Mmm, paying off a few demons is easy, especially since they rarely survive long enough to collect." Ashlynn states

"Still waiting on Valentine's thank-you card." Jace quips

"Opening the gates of hell that's a little more tricky." Magnus finishes, ignoring Jaces little quip.

"Valentine doesn't have the cards. I do. They're in my desk back at the precinct. When Clary went missing, I went to the loft and I cleared everything out, 'cause I didn't want the Circle to track her." Luke says as he walks in.

"That's great. This should be easy." Clary says

"Hmm, that's what General Custer said." I say

"Piper is right. Valentine has spies everywhere, even in the NYPD.  We have to be discreet." Luke states

"Discreet? You look like something out of The Mummy movie." I say, Ash chuckles

"We'll go in the morning. Werewolf healing, remember? This is nothing a couple of hours of beauty sleep can't fix." Luke states as he walked out of the room.

"It'll be fine, we got this" Thomas says as him and Clary leave. Probably to go flirt. Ash mutters something about helping Luke with the healing process walks off. Me and Jace are now alone.

"So you and my Parabatai together huh?" Jace smirks and I roll my eyes.

"Oh please next thing you know Clary and Thomas will be dating then we'll just be waiting on you to confess your feeling for Ashlynn." I snapped, he basically froze, apparently he thinks I'm dumb and don't clue in on how he acts.

"You know?" He asks,

"Obviously I'm not dumb, before you ask no Ash doesn't know, but she should know. Thomas is probably gonna confess today or tomorrow so you should." I say as Jace rolled his eyes.

The Shadowhunter Sister (Alec Lightwood Fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora