Don't be Childish Clarissa

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(Pipers pov)
After Thomas, Jace, and Izzy left, Clary and Alec decided to train, so Ash and I decided to list funny moments that have happened before.

"Remember the time when I came over to your place and Clary had met me a couple days before so we were going so scare her and when we walked in Clary was laying on Simon while they we dying of laughter" Ash said while laughing

"Your reaction though, you were like, ahh my virgin eyes, please be safe I don't need to see that kind of stuff!" I responded laughing.

"Clary and Simons reaction was priceless Clary was like 'ew no never' and Simon was like 'why can't you love me?'" Ash laughed, I'm pretty sure I just killed her. Then Clary ran in took one look at us then raised her eyes, I gave her a look saying don't ask.

"Guys I think I know a way to track Valentine" she said, we both stood up,



After Clary told us about the box, we ran out of the instatute. She stops at the art school she was going to go to, then her phone rings. When the phone rang everyone around started checking their phones to see if it was their phone ringing, Alec walked up behind her and said

"Why'd you run out? And what's the point of an Invisibility rune if you don't silence your phone? That was childish, sneaking out like that."

"Dont be childish Clarissa" i said smirking as i tisked her, she glared at me before she answered her phone.

"Simon. I know I should have called you right back I'm really sorry.
Are you okay? Yeah, I totally get it. Um, can we talk later? Things are kind of insane right now. I kind of killed a demon and lost all my memories forever. I'm at the Brooklyn Academy." I roll my eyes as Ash giggles at the conversation Clary's having.

"Hang up. That's it, we have to go, right now." Alec said, Ashlynn and I looked at each other knowing what's about to go down.

"No. I'm on my way to the loft. There's something there that I think could help me find my mother. I'm fine, I'm with Alec. No, Simon, you've been through enough already." Clary said before Simon hung up on her.

"Mundanes, look at them, running around like ants. Let's go." Alec said, he starts walking, Ash and I walk ahead while they continue talking.

(Even though Piper isn't in this scene it's important so I'm putting it in anyway)

"Why do you always look so miserable?" Clary asks,

"I don't." Alec states, Clary scoffs at his answer.

"You do. It must be hard being in love with Jace and he's straight and everything." Clary

"Excuse me?" Alec snapped, thinking about how he used to like Jace before Piper came into his life.

"What? What's the big deal? I know you're bi, I was there when that memory came out of Jace then it switched to Piper, busted, no?" Clary says remembering the pentagram that they summoned the demon with.

"We're parabatai." Alec starts " and you have no clue how I feel towords Piper." Alec snapped

"Alec, just say it, you'll feel better. You're in love with Jace and Piper." Clary said

"Forget it. You know what? You're in love with Jace." Alec said

"Oh, okay? The middle school comeback? Nice. Alec, we have a real problem to solve, okay? Come with me." Clary snapped

"This better be quick." Alec states.


Once we got to the shortcut Simon used to take back in middle school when Clary was at home. Clary, Simon, and Alec started talking while Ash and I drank coffee. Don't ask how we got it, Ashlynn is a warlok remember? We went through the shortcut and up the back way of the house until we got to the door.

"Whoa! I don't remember it like this." Clary said, now being able to see the runes.

"These are runes and wards of protection cast by a warlock." Alec said

"Dot." Clary mumbled, not catching on at first,

"Some of these have been here for years." I said.

"The only difference is now I can actually see them." Clary mumbled to herself

"Yo, Clary. What are all these tags?" Simon questions,

"You can see the runes?" Alec asks

"Yeah, kind of hard to miss." Simon sasses back

"For a Shadowhunter. They should be invisible to most mundanes. When did you get the Sight?" Alec questioned

"I don't know. But whoever drew these should take some lessons from Clary. Their, uh, work is pretty sloppy." Simon commented.

"This is from when Simon and I were engaged to be married." Clary said whole placing her hand over the heart they made.

"You were engaged? I'm almost certain I don't wanna hear this story" Alec commented,

"You don't" Ashlynn and I said at the same time, Alec smirked at us slightly.

"We were eight years old. That was a whole other world ago."Clary said, she walked over to the door and tried to open it, but it was locked. "There's only one flaw in your plan here, Simon." She states,

"Here, let me try." Simon says while she steps aside, he broke the lock opening the door. "After you." He says holding the door for her.

"Okay." She says confused, Ash follows in afterword then I go in, Alec was about to come in too.

"Ooh. After me." Simon remarked, then walked in and a pissed off Alec following. "Holy crap, Clary. Who torched your loft? Yeah, I can see this, too." Simon questioned, "Hey. You okay?" He continued.

"There's nothing left of me here." Clary mumbled

"Of course, there isn't. Your mother was trying to erase any trace that you existed. So that you couldn't be tracked. She was protecting you." Alec said obviously annoyed with her.

"Let's see how well that worked." Clary said,

"You're alive, aren't you?" Alec snapped.

" These floorboards They sound different in these two spots. Can't you hear it? There's something under here." Simon gets the floorboard off "Another score for Brooklyn." Simon says,

"Hey, out of the way." Alec says and pushes Simon out of the way to get the box.

"You're welcome." Simon mutters

"There's something down here." Alec says as he pulls out a box "Is this the box you remember?" He askes Clary.

"Yeah. She used to wait till she thought I was asleep and then take it out." Clary says.

"Well, let's open it." Alec says,

"I don't know what any of this is." Clary said, then we heard something coming from outside.

"There's someone here. Get what you need. Do not move until I get back. We've been here too long." Alec says,

"Ill come with you" I say and follow him out,

"Ill stay here" Ashlynn says. We walked outside and Alec got his bow ready, we heard something in the bushes, he aimed his bow and I got my sword ready as we were about to attack this creature. It bolted out so when we followed it we saw, Clary, Simon and Ashlynn with a cuff that blocks her magic being pushed into a cop car by Alaric, and another wolf.

"Let go. Seriously, Alaric." Clary yelled before getting pushed into a car. What is everyone's obsession with kidnapping people, well at least it wasn't me this time. But the car drove off with my friends. Some motherfucker about to die.

Guys sorry about the long update time, I promise chapters will come sooner from now on.

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