Rescue Mission

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(Alec's pov)
We walked back to the instatute and I already hate Thomas, I don't really know him but he doesn't care about Piper the way he should, I wish he would go die in a deep dark hole with Clary.

"I still don't understand, how are shadowhunters better then what you people call mundanes?" Clary said

"Because we protect humans" Izzy says

"Right humans, you protect humans, you left Simon alone in the van great job guys you rock" Clary said, I kinda get how she feels, but with Piper, and I only blame Thomas.

"There is some truth to the idea that humans should have common sense" Thomas said

"Not now" Izzy says back, a little upset that Simons lost and Piper got taken... Piper.

"Look they won't do anything to Simon and Piper, they just want to draw you out, they think you have the cup" Jace says, I'm still a little pissed at Thomas for being so calm in this situation

"Why does everyone think that, what my mom lies to me my entire life but oh there's this magic cup I hid on the planet bongo but don't tell anyone" Clary replies fed up with everyone, can't blame her though, I'm freaking out.

"We have to enform the clave, people need to know about Valentine" Thomas said, now I'm mad

"About what, that he's my father, great tell them, what good does that do Simon and Piper?" Clary says then I say

"Ya remember Piper, your girlfriend! Thomas your girl is out there suffering and your here all calm and talking about informing the clave, your such a jerk, forget about the damn clave right now, this is your freaking girlfriend, anyone with half of a heart would be flipping out right now, you don't desurve to have someone like her whos as caring and sweet towords everyone, you sick, bastered, prick!" Now he was mad

"You know what Alec any real shadowhunter learns to control their anger and don't you talk like she's your girlfriend she's mine! I'm freaking the fuck out right now, I guess you just don't know how to stay calm, and she knows what she's doing, she'll be fine!"

"Guys we don't have time for this" Izzy says "But Thomas how are you staying so calm, this is your girlfriend" and Clary says

"Nobody answered my question! How does valentine being my father help Piper and Simon?"

"It's all conected, the vamps want the cup" Jace spoke up

"Why because it creates new shadowhunters" Clary said.

"Nobody want valentine creating an army loyal to himself" Izzy said

"Plus it controls demons" Thomas piped in

"They'll propose a trade, Simon for the cup" Jace states

"So the vamps will trade Simon and Piper for the cup, and valentine will trade my mother for the cup, either way I loose someone I love" Clary says.

"What if I just toss it in the air and let them fight about it themselves" She says

"So this doesn't matter to you?" Alec snapped

"Yes of corse it matters" Clary snaps back.

"Listen when you saved my life, I put my trust in you, now I need you to put your trust in me, I can't become what you guys are over night" Clary says getting sentemental.

"It's true she was raised as a mundane" Izzy says

"What are you her spokesmen now?" Jace askes

"I don't need a spokesmen, I need a plan " Clary says.

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