Memory Demon

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(Ashlynns pov)
Once we Portaled through back to the lair I see a bunch of warlocks fighting circle members, Piper stood next to me in horror.

"Valentine found us" I say as we strike into action, Piper started killing circle members while I killed others telling the warlocks to get to the safe room, I started battling this one guy, who was hard to beat, my eyes turned silver like they always do.

"Your cat eyes will be a wonderful adition to my colection" the guy said

"Much like the horns me and another guy stole from another warlock this morning"

"Eleos" I said "Why did you kill him he had nothing to do with Jocelyn" I yelled and strook. He blocked it which knocked me back a little, he went to charge at me, then a seraph blade went through him, and he fell to the ground, leaving a handsome blond boy from the rave standing infront of me.

"Are you alright?" He askes, his voice is sweet and calming.

"Ya I'm fine, your that Wayland boy from the rave right?" I asked and he nodded

"Ya my names Jace, you're Ashlynn right?" And I nodded,

"We should probably get back," I said and he nodded. We walk back and I see Magnus hugging Zoey (the little girl) I ran up to him and hugged him

" I thought you were gone" I whispered and he said

"I know, I thought you were gone too" he let go

"Well I was about to be, but Jace saved me" I said.

"Oh really?" He replied, then started talking to Clary so I walked over to see Piper tearing up.

"What's wrong?" I ask her,

"Me and Thomas just, broke up" She states, I hug her then say

"Did he break your heart? If he did I will murder him-" and she cuts me off

"No, I dumped him, he liked someone else so I let him go" She silently sobs and I hug her again until Magnus calls me.

"I have to go, be right back ok?"- I ask and she nods, I walk over to him when he calls Jace over,

"What do you need me for?" He askes and Magnus says

"I wanted to thank you personally, Ashlynn told me how you saved her life, and for that I owe you a great debt" and Jace says

"Hosestly it's no problem, I did what I had to do" and Magnus smiles, like he knows something then says

"Hold tight everyone, we're about to move" Magnus holds my hand and we do the spell for moving locations. Once the spell was done, Magnus sighed

"Much better" he turns around and says

"Uh it's inevitable, after each move I get the itch to redecorate" I chuckle at this and then he says

"Normally I love a dirty layer, but this one's just sloppy" looking at some boy, I look to see Piper clenching her fists, she likes him, how cute.

"I believe in payment for this service is rendered" Magnus says to a black haired girl who looks alot like the boy, he holds out the necklace that he worked so hard to get back (note the sarcasm) "thank you for defending the warlocks" he says

"I couldn't" She says and he says

"You could, and you should, the Lightwoods have been wearing this for years" he whispered some stuff in the Lightwood girls ears which made her giggle, then Clary said

"Ok so how do we summon the memory demon?" She askes

"Are you certin? Summoning such a powerful demon could be leathel" my brother says

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