Chapter 1

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This is a bit different to our other fan fic, but we like to be a bit different. Woot Wot!


"Maybe we can cut through here?" Jessie asked, looking at a forest of lush, green trees.

"Fine," Sofia huffed. "but if we get kidnapped, I'm blaming you," she said following behind Jessie into the forest. They were walking from the museum to their house, but had lost their map whilst running from a possum and were just trying to get back.

Sofia felt her knees start to get weak and her brown eyes get heavy after walking for 20 minutes. "Can we just stop for a bit? I'm really tired."

"Sofia, it's going to get dark, now get off your butt." Jessie replied, laughing at her friend, "Fine, you have 5 minutes."

Jessie stood there studying the trees and bushes, trying to find the safest way out, as she was turing around to look at all of them she heard rustles in the bushes.

"Jessie! Sofia! Where are you?" Holly screamed from a distance.

"We're here! We're lost. Follow my voice," Sofia shouted. After a few moments, Holly's fair skin and brownish-red hair emerged from the trees.

"Why are you two in here?" Holly said, lookin from Sofia to Jessie.

"We were lost, and Jessie's bright idea was to lead us into some bushes," Sofia said turing to Jessie. Jessie stood there with an offeneded look.

"Well, maybe if you didn't drop our map, I wouldn't have to find our way out." Jessie said and turned around so shen wasn't faceing Sofia, "What ever, don't even talk to me," Sofia replied.

"Children, we have to find our way out, I have a map, so lets just go this way," Holly pointed through a gap in the bushes, Jessie and Sofia followed behind her. They were stepping over sticks and rocks and getting more and more tired as they got deeper into this forest that was only gettin darker.

"Sofia, I'm glad you forgive me for before," Jessie said to Sofia with a smirk.

"Why must you always do that? I don't forgive you," Sofia said irritated at Jessie.

"Thanks for the forgiveness Sofia."

"Jessie I'm going to... Wait stop," Sofia whispered the last part, "Shhhh," she gestured Holly and Jessie to shut up.

"What?" Jessie mouthed. They all stood there, waiting for somethin to happen. Through their silence they began to hear whispers all around them.

"Maybe we should run," Jessie giggled, trying to mask her fear.

After about 2 secounds of thought Holly bolted, followed by Sofia and then Jessie.

Their motion was brought to halt, and there bodies frooze.

Laying before them was a pasture, somehow it was lit up and the grass was bright and green. Centered in the middle was body, a body of a young women. Hair messy, cloths ripped, bruises from ear to ear and blood leaving no part of her bare skin exposed. A small envolpe layed across her chest.

Holly, Jessie and Sofia stood there motionless, until Sofia ran to a bush and vomit flew out of her mouth. Jessie stood there over whelmed and not long tears started to stream down her face. Holly gathered her emotions and walked up to the body.

She reluctantly picked up the envolpe and quickly stepped back from the body. She slowly opened the envolpe and took out a piece of card. Confusion written all over her face as she read it. Sofia and Jessie still in shock, but had gathered most of their emotions read the card over her shoulder.

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