Chapter 1

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Kali and her friends were driving in the car when they had arrived in Kensington England. They were super excited to be visiting to watch the world cup finals, England vs Germany. Plus Cynthia's parents were kind enough to let the gang stay at their holiday rental house during their visit. 

"It sure was nice of your parents to lend us their holiday flat to watch the game" Teeders told Cynthia. 

"Yeah your parents are awesome Cindy!" David added. 

"Oh they don't mind, really, just as long as you guys don't break anything" Cynthia replied. 

The gang soon arrived at the apartment building and entered Cynthia's family rental house.

"Whoa Cynthia when you said this place was a flat you didn't tell us it was this big!" David said, impressed that it was much bigger than a normal apartment room. 

"Yeah this place is huge, just like your house" Brock added. 

"Yes, before we added on" Cynthia complemented.

Cynthia then went to go change her clothes while David ran over and jumped on the couch. The other teenagers came into the living room to find their seats, (David took up most of the space on the couch). David was getting a little over excited since he was a big soccer fan. He was even wearing his England soccer team T-shirt. Kali went to the fridge to get some punch and some food, while David grabbed the remote and turned on the TV to the sports channel.

"Wahoo yeah i'm ready to watch some soccer!" David cheered. 

"You mean football" Ann corrected. 

"What? No this is soccer" David said. "No it's football!" Brock protested. David and the twins soon got into a little argument about the sport being called soccer or football, when Teeders whistled to get their attention.

"Actually you're both right" Teeders told them. "Huh?" David and the twins gave Teeders that look of confusion. 

"While we may call it soccer in America, the rest of the world knows it as football" Teeders explained. 

"Wait a minute, why do the English people call it football anyway?" Brock asked. 

Teeders paused for a long moment then replied "Hmm, I don't know". Being stumped on that question, which rarely happened to her on any question she was given.  

"Who cares" Kali said while opening a family-size bag of potato chips. 

Just then Cynthia came out into the living room. The gang turned to see Cynthia make an entrance, all glamorous wearing a purple flare dress and high heels. 

"Uh Cynthia this is a soccer game-" Kali started. "Football!" The twins corrected. 

"Whatever" Kali said to her siblings before she turned to Cynthia. "What's with the rags?" she asked teasingly. 

"It's a flare Kali, and if you haven't known being a lady i'd like to look my best" Cynthia replied while combing her hair back and showing off her dress, before she went to the bathroom to do her makeup. 

Kali rolled her eyes, being tomboys she and Teeders weren't at all the least bit interested in dresses or any of that junk which Cynthia adored. The gang waited for Cynthia while watching the TV commercials. 

"So what do you plan on doing when you get back?" David asked Kali about her future plans. 

"Well as soon as we get back, mom and dad want us to get ready and pack up for the move" Kali sighed, a little unhappy. 

"Wait, you guys are moving... AGAIN?!" David seemed shocked. 

"Yes, somewhere along off the upper east coast called Adventure Bay" Kali explained.

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