Chapter 19: End of the War

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"You've had them?! After all this time!" Alice couldn't help but yell, not believing what she was seeing.

"I told your silly husband that I'd get revenge for what he did!" Iracebeth crossed her arms and grinned.

"But to keep his family away from him.. making him think they were dead and that he was the last one!" Alice replied bitterly.

"You don't know anything, stupid girl!" Iracebeth spit, her face becoming red and tried to slap the girl.

Alice caught her hand and pushed it back, making the woman stumble back. This could be it, she could finally put a stop to the chaos.

Lifting her sword, Alice was about to end the bloody big head until a loud wild-like sounds were heard a few feet away.

Hatter and Stayne were still fighting but this time, the madness took over and Hatter was swinging his sword and arms at the knave, unable to focus and got hit a lot.

"Tarrant!" Alice shouted out and sprinted towards him, ignoring Iracebeth who stood and hid.

"Goodbye freak." Stayne snickered, one foot on top of the mad hatter, sword raised then suddenly froze, dropping it.

The knave of hearts had his mouth hung open, turned to stare at the champion then down at his stomach. The vorpal sword was pierced right through it, blood staining his armor.

"Down with the bloody big head.." Alice leaned in and whispered in his ear, grabbing the handle and pulled out the sword, leaving Stayne on the ground.

"Hatter! It's me, calm down." Alice looked in his eyes, laying a hand on his shoulder.

"I-I'm fine.." Hatter had his eyes glued to the floor and shook his head, glancing up at her with a tiny smile, "You did it."

"He would have killed you if I didn't do anything." Alice nodded, hugging him tight.

"That's my champion.." Hatter whispered and hugging her back and hid his face in the crook of her neck.

They didn't notice that everyone else had froze, staring at the couple and the body. Without Ilosovic Stayne, the red queen was actually powerless this time since he was her right hand man.

"Get off of me!" Iracebeth protested, trying to get away from some white knights' grasp, not letting her escape.

"Iracebeth of Crims, you are defeated. Either stand down or be punished." Mirana appeared in front of her sister, hands twitching in the air.

"Go ahead! Banish me or kill me, it's your fault anyway!" Iracebeth raised her voice but seemed still.

"What has Mirana done to make you hate her?!" Alice responded but was held back by Hatter grabbing her arm.

"You really don't know?!" Iracebeth then glanced at her little sister, "Why don't you tell them all the truth?"

"I..I.." Mirana stuttered, tears forming and looked down, the thought of the burden she had to bear for years, the lie on the tip of her tongue.

"I didn't think so.." Iracebeth muttered and was taken away by the guards.

"Wait!" Mirana stopped them and sighed, "Your right.. I-I ate the tarts and I lied about it. If I told the truth then none of this would've ever happened.."

Everyone gasped, not believing what they heard. That the white queen would lie and that was what caused all of this.

"I'm sorry.. please forgive me.." Mirana took a light step to her older sister, tears slid down her face.

"Oh Mirana.." Iracebeth's expression softened, reaching a hand out.

"Racie.. you forgive me?" Mirana said with a hopeful gleam in her eyes.

"NEVER!!" Iracebeth hollered, able to vaguely scratch Mirana's cheek before she was dragged away, surely to be banished again.

"Your majesty are you alright..?" Alice went over and comforted her friend that hid her face in her hands and sobbed quietly.

"Yes..yes I'm alright.." Mirana quickly wiped her tears and cleared her throat, lifting a hand, "The red queen is no more!"

Everyone erupted in cheers, raising their fists in victory, they all dropped their weapons. Mally, Bayard, the Tweedles, Thackery and Cheshire all celebrated together as well.

"Underland is at peace again, the crown is safe and so are your subjects.." Alice reassured the queen who nodded, smiling a bit.

"Your right, that's the important thing." Mirana took a deep breath then brightened up, "Bring them please."

The white queen waved some of her guards over to bring the Hightopps, "There are some people I'd like you and Tarrant to meet."

"M-my family.." Hatter slowly approached as if it were a dream and he was afraid to wake up.

"Tarrant..? Your here and alive!" Gwen, Hatter's sister gasped and smiled, hugging him along with his other sister Bree, aunt, uncle and brother.

"My dear family, I have missed you so much!" Hatter smiled his famous gap-toothed smile and faced his father, "Father.. you.. kept my hat?"

"Of course I did." Zanik smiled slightly and hugged Tarrant gently which he returned, "I'm happy to see you again. Where's your mother?"

The pain and realization hit him, the loss of a member, "She's gone.." Hatter whispered and felt the tears come back, this time his father patted his back.

"She'll always be with us, we're all proud of you." Zanik stayed strong for his and his son's sake but the tears were visible.

"Father there's someone I'd like you to meet." Hatter lisped happily and lead them towards Alice and Mirana, "This is my dear Alice, my fiancée."

"It's nice to meet you." Alice bowed and smiled, a little shy and held Hatter's hand.

"I'm happy for both of you, congratulations." Zanik smiled brighter and introductions were made all around.

Solutions were made, Mirana talked to her soldiers and told them she'd deal with the red queen's army back at the castle.

Everyone headed back to Marmoreal, the sun starting to set and no one could describe how relieved they were that it was all over.

Some were lucky to be alive but an innocent life was also taken. No one talked about it but the peace over the land was enough to avenge them.


OMG I can't believe this story is almost done but I have a surprise at the end of the next chapter which will be the last. Fairfarren all!

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