Chapter 15: Escape

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Over the past few days that she was imprisoned in the red queen's castle, Alice was alone, she couldn't tell whether it was day or night. Seconds turned to minutes, minutes turned to hours.

They still fed her (though it was very little) to keep her alive for Iracebeth's plan. 'I'd rather be dead than in here' she thought, sitting alone in complete silence like always.

There was no use yelling for help since no one could hear and escaping without a plan would result in injuries, possibly making it more difficult to move if she did have a plan.

"Get up!" Stayne came in like he did everyday to either bring her food or worse. Her whole body still ached from yesterday.

When she didn't stand and instead backed up, he opened the door, slowly walking towards her. Each step got louder, closer, knowing what was to come. But this time, she wouldn't give up without a fight.

"Let me go you piece of shukm!!" Alice yelled when he grabbed her arm and pulled her to her feet. She struggled a bit, managing to kick his sensitive place.

"You little-!" The knave groaned in pain, letting her go, falling on his knees. She took this chance to balance herself and start running. It was dark but she followed a small light that came from the entrance which was cracked open slightly.

Reaching out her hand, the cool metal of the door brushed against her fingertips and before she could open it, the sting of something sharp hitting her back along with a cracking sound made her freeze in pain and shock.

Stayne somehow recovered and grabbed his whip, striking her before she ran away. He quickly went over and grabbed her by the shoulder, dragging the girl back in her cell, making sure to throw and let the body hit the wall.

Alice bit her lip so to not make a sound, she didn't need the stupid excuse of a knave to think she was weak since she was a girl or because of all the abuse she's had to suffer through.

Slowly, taking deep breaths, Alice lifted herself up, thinking of her friends, family...and Hatter. During her time in the dungeon, Hatter was the reason that kept her going, on her feet, the one who's voice she heard in her head that made her get back up every time she fell.

"And they call you a champion. You're nothing but a stupid little girl. You're mad like that trio of lunatics." Stayne spit, when he insulted her, it didn't affect her at all but to offend her friends and love, that lightened the spark.

"How dare you, you poor excuse of a man! You disgust me and have no right to talk like that!" Alice managed to slap him hard which left a mark.

"How dare you! That's it!" The evil knave grabbed some rope, tying her hands to the bars of the door and pushed her on her knees.

"I don't care anymore.." Alice whispered, feeling the hit of the whip against her back, the blood dripping down her back, causing a small puddle to form. Her breath was shaky but she couldn't feel anything.

Instead of the torture, in it's place she could the feel the soft neck kisses Hatter would give her against her skin, his light and gentle touch, how she yearned for him to hold her again, to whisper soothing words in her ear.

After Stayne was done, he left her there on the floor shivering, muttering to herself.

"Pull.. yourself.. together.." Alice whispered to herself, trying to at least sit up but a surge of pain would go through her body, causing a small whimper.

How long had it been? It was only minutes but it felt like hours. She couldn't tell, nor did she care either.

"No.. please.." Alice whispered, hugging her knees and staring into the empty darkness.

Where was her muchness?

**End of Flashback**


She'd know that voice anywhere, that gentle, calming voice with a lisp and that was in her head when she was alone.

"Hatter..? Y-your here.." Alice barely muttered, eyes slightly wide with surprise but also relief.

"My dear Alice I'd do anything for you. I can't live without you." Hatter gently laid a hand on her neck which she nuzzled softly in response. How she missed his touch.

"I- It's not safe.. please go.. they'll hurt you.." Alice stuttered, starting to shiver but was fighting back tears.

"I'm not leaving without you, that is why I came." Hatter said quietly, using a needle to pry open the lock.

When it clicked, he almost threw  open the door, rushing in and embraced her carefully.

"I love you my joy, my life, my Alice, I'm so very sorry. This is all my fault if I had protected you better then-" Hatter rambled but was cut off by Alice's lips on his and kissed her back.

They both missed each other deeply and when they slowly pulled away, Hatter examined her, his eyes turning slightly orange in the process.

He couldn't stand the sight of his Alice looking like that, knowing someone had even dared to lay a finger on his precious. They would pay for what they did. No one messes with him or his fiancee unless they have a death wish.

"Let's go, my dear." Hatter kept Alice close, stealthily guiding her out and through the halls, hoping no one would find them.

"The girl's escaped! Find them both!" A guard yelled and could be heard not far behind.

They must have found the cell empty and that someone else was in here.

Hatter and Alice started to run but after turning a bend, Alice fell onto her knees, wincing of pain.

"It's alright cricket you'll be fine." Hatter said in her ear and picked her up, being extra careful as if she was glass and was afraid of breaking her.

Some guards saw and started running after them. They were able to lose them since the castle was large and confusing to go through.

The exit was getting closer and Hatter kicked open the door. What was outside proved both people doomed.

There the bloody big head, knave of hearts and a bunch of other card soldiers were waiting, evil smirks on their faces.

"So it was you, hat man. Trying to save your little wife. How pathetic." Iracebeth spat, "But perfectly delicious, I shall have both your head's now!"

Hatter put Alice down and stood in front of her protectively as red soldiers were marching towards them.

"Any last words?" Iracebeth laughed cruelly.

"Stop!" A voice yelled and there was a roar along with it.

Another cliffhanger! Who do you think it is? Comment and see what happens in the next chapter! Fairfarren all!

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