Chapter 3: Your Back!

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Alice kept falling, objects were flying past her like the last time but Alice was smiling as she jumped from the bed which meant she was close to crashing through the ceiling and landing upside down. She closed her eyes and got ready to land when she realized she was still falling.

"Curiouser and curiouser" Alice opened her eyes to see that she was falling towards a light that got bigger when she got closer and then she fell through a cloud.

"Ahh!!!" Alice screamed and noticed she was falling from the sky now and got closer to the ground.

Finally she landed on a flower bed then sat up, looking around. There was a white castle a few feet away from her and guessed she was in Marmoreal. She started running towards the castle and as the gates opened up for her, someone came outside from the entrance and Alice stood there with happiness. She'd know that person anywhere. She started running towards the figure then that person ran towards her.

"Hatter!" Alice threw herself into his arms and he hugged her tightly like he was afraid of losing her again.

"Alice..your back" Hatter whispered, relief in his voice as he kept hugging her and his eyes that had been a mix of orange and yellow ever since she left, turned back to their bright green color.

The two of them pulled away slowly but Hatter held onto  Alice's hands, not wanting to let go of her yet. 

"I've missed you Hatter! I told you I'd be back before you knew it" Alice smiled brightly, happy to see her best friend again. 

"I've missed you too my dear" Hatter smiled his famous gap toothed grin which Alice loved to see. "Are you staying for good this time?"

Alice thought about it for a moment, all her work in London was done and her father's trading company is in good hands of her business partner, Lord Ascot but she would miss her mother and sister. If she returned then she would be forced to marry Victor and she'd be miserable.

"Yes, Wonderland has always been my home and where I truly belong" Alice smiled which made Hatter smile so wide it could rival Cheshire's grin.

"Come we must tell the white queen that your back! We will have a grand tea party to celebrate, I'm sure everyone has missed you but I have missed you the most-" Hatter started going into a ramble.

"Hatter!" Alice giggled, she never got tired of his funny rambles.

"Fez...thank you, I'm fine" Hatter gave a small smile then lead Alice inside the castle to find the queen and maybe the rest of their friends. 

"Hatter, how did you know I was coming?" Alice asked, curious about how he knew to go outside since she was there. 

"I was on the balcony that we were on the night before Frabjous Day and I saw something running towards the castle. When I saw the blue from your dress, I believed that you came back so I ran outside and it was you!" Hatter lisped and smiled, his eyes becoming a brighter green and his bowtie perking up and becoming more colorful. 

They entered the library where the queen and everyone else was, looking through books. They all looked up when they heard footsteps and smiled when they saw Alice. 

"Alice, dear, you've returned! Welcome back" Mirana gracefully walked towards them and smiled, her hands moving in the air.

"Thank you, your Majesty, I'm glad to be back" Alice smiled at the queen who she also missed, she was a very kind friend.

"Please, call me Mirana, your not just our champion you are our friend" Mirana said, happy that their champion was back and turned to Hatter. "The same goes to you too Tarrant, we're all friends, no need for formality."

"Yes, your Maj- I mean, Mirana." Hatter bowed, getting used to calling the queen by her first name.

"Alice, how do you do again?" The Tweedles said at the same time and walked to her, smiling.

"Hello boys, it's nice to see you again." Alice gently shook their hands, she missed the little funny twins that were like the Chattaway sisters. 

"Alice! Good to see you!" Bayard barked happily then ducked when a cup was thrown past him, hearing Thackery and Mally's mad giggling.

"Yer' late for tea!!!" Thackery threw another cup and luckily Alice dodged it before it hit her.

"Now that our champion is back, I shall have a grand ball to celebrate! What do you think Alice?"

Mirana smiled brightly and turned to Alice, hoping she would agree. Everyone knew Mirana had a strange obsession with parties and if she could, she would probably have one every night (she'd probably be able to since she's the queen.)

"Well.." Alice never really liked being the center of attention or parties but she knew this one would be different since she was with her friends. "Alright, it sounds like fun, when is it?"

"It shall be a week from now, be ready, find something to wear and someone to take as an escort!" Mirana smiled, walking out of the room with McTwisp  right behind her, writing a list of what would be needed for the ball.

"Why don't I show you your room? I mean if you'd like me to. The queen had a room made for you in the castle for when you returned and I'm sure you'd like it, it's very Alice-like which suits you and now that your you and the right proper Alice size-" Hatter started going into a ramble again then Alice gently took his hands in hers which calmed him down.

"I'm fine.. sorry thank you." Hatter smiled and Alice giggled which made him feel warm inside, it was good to hear Alice's voice (even her laugh) which he had missed.

Hatter lead Alice down some halls (there were many twists and turns) and made it to a door which he opened and inside, the room was mixed with white and blue (and other colors) curtains were light blue with gold trimming on the edges. There was a carpet with swirls of blue, white and gold (even some green.)

"It's amazing! This room is wonderful and it does suit me." Alice looked around, amazed then went to the closet. Inside was bursting with color, there were dresses with many colors that she had never seen before, shoes and not a single corset (much to Alice's relief.)

"Do you like the dresses? I made them all just for you because I knew you would need clothes when you returned. I don't mind making new ones if you don't like them." Hatter lisped nervously.

"I don't like them," Hatter's face fell a little but then she hugged him tightly. "I love them!!! They're absolutely beautiful but you didn't have to-" Alice was cut off when Hatter placed a finger close to her lips to silence her.

"Dear Alice, I wanted to do it so when you came back, you'd have the most wonderful wardrobe with the most beautiful dresses you could wear. The champion deserves the best after all." Hatter smiled and gently wiped away little tears in Alice's eyes.

"Thank you. I'm glad to have you as my best friend." Alice whispered and smiled but for both of them, deep down inside, something was telling them they liked each other more than friends.

"Goodnight, champion Alice." Hatter smiled and bowed which made Alice blush.

"Goodnight Hatter." Before she could stop herself, Alice stood on her tiptoes and quickly kissed his cheek then closed the door behind her, both of them were blushing deeply and when Alice drifted off to sleep, she thought she heard someone humming and talking to themselves in the next room along with scissors snipping and the quiet noise of a sewing machine.


I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and my other two! What did you think about Alice and Hatter reuniting again? Please review what you think! Thank you!

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