Chapter 18: Battle

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Time passed and the morning came faster than anyone expected. They had hoped this day would never come but here it was. 

Mirana was preparing her horse, Alice and Tyva were on the Bandersnatch, Hatter was standing in front of them with the rest of their friends, the army right behind them.

"Is everyone ready?" Mirana turned and said softly, almost a whisper. They all replied with a nod, the quiet nerving.

**Scene Change**

"Hurry up!" Iracebeth yelled and got into her carrier that two guards lifted.

"Yes your majesty, all the soldiers are prepared and better than before." The knave of hearts called out and it wasn't a lie. 

They now had twice as many soliders than before, all with experience and skill. It was even scary to imagine just what the bloody big head had to do to get them all.

"Good, let's go." Iracebeth and Mirana said at the same time, both of their armies heading out to the battlefield where Frabjous Day took place.

**Scene Change**

Alice held onto the Bandersnatch, wearing her armor and the vorpal sword in it's sheath. The sky was a clear blue at first, now clouds rolled their way in, consuming the light.

She was worried just like that day years ago but something this time seemed wrong, that something bad was going to happen but didn't know what.

"We're here.." Tyva muttered, Alice almost forgot she was there and up ahead, the chessboard field was the same, the old ruins still looking crumbled.

Both armies stood across on both sides of the field.  Alice and Tyva climbed down, going and standing on either side of the queen.

"No matter what happens.. I love you." Hatter whispered to Alice, secretly intertwining his fingers with hers.

"I love you too." Alice said quietly back, turning slightly and giving him a small smile.

They watched as Mirana and Iracebeth walked towards the middle of the field, their heads held up high, only one would win, the other would lose everything.

"Hello Iracebeth.." Mirana looked at her sister, a hint of worry and sadness in her voice.

"Hello Mirana." Iracbeth spat, an evil grin plastered on her face. She knew she would win, one way or another.

"On this the Liberta Day, the queens red and white will once again face each other for the crown." McTwisp blew on his trumpet then scurried off to the white side.

"Racie..please, we can talk about this." Mirana stared at her with guilt, reaching out a hand.

"No! There's nothing to talk about! You took everything from me, it's your fault!" Iracebeth stomped her foot and yelled, "Attack!!"

That was it. That was how it all started, just with a simple command and the red army charged, causing the other side to act as well, weapons pointed.

The queens backed away, disappearing away from the mess, swords clashed, people fell and got up, some never did.

As for the champion, thanks to all the practice she went through, was able to fight off some cards, Hatter and Stayne fought like last time and Tyva had Alice's back, shooting with an arrow, sometimes using her hands and feet.

"There are too many of them!" Alice shouted, knocking a guard down with her elbow but didn't notice she was straying farther away from the others.

"How could she ever be attracted to someone like you?!" Stayne said, outraged while hitting his sword against Hatter's, trying to at least hurt him.

"Someone who's not a knave- nay, not a slurvish guddlers scut like you? Yea I can't imagine why." Hatter grinned, speaking in his accent and poked Stayne with a needle.

Tyva made sure to follow Alice so nothing would happen, when she brought down another soldier, from the end of her eye she spotted a large group of guards climbing the ruins and pushing a pillar over the edge.

One that was right above where Hatter and Stayne were still fighting..

"Tarrant! Look out!" Tyva started running as fast as she could towards them, not caring if anyone attacked her.

They didn't listen, her voice was blocked out by the rest of the noise, and the pillar was on the edge. It fell.

"No!!!" Tyva kicked the knave down and pushed Hatter out of the way. The pillar crashed onto the ground and on top of her. 

"Someone help me!" Hatter called out, trying to push the now cracked stone and Alice noticed, hurrying to him and helped. 

They pulled the pieces of rock off and found Tyva, laying almost close to death, her face was scratched and she was half covered in dust.

"Tarrant..I should have told you.." Tyva barely whispered and faced him.

"What are you talking about..?" Hatter was confused but he could feel the tears coming.

"Find them.. find them..please.." Tyva repeated and reached into her pocket taking out a blue paper hat.

"M-mother..?" Tarrant whispered and stared at the hat, holding it. "They're alive?" 

Tyva nodded and winced in pain, "I love you son, I'm so proud of you.." She laid a hand on Hatter's cheek and smiled with tears.

"No..No! Mother wake up! Please!" Hatter gently shook her shoulders, tears streaming down his face, "!

There was no answer.. Tyva was gone, her eyes still open but she no longer breathed. 

"They killed her.." Hatter muttered and stood up, clenching his fists, "Stupid bloody big head killed her!!" 

Alice grabbed his face in her hands, "Dear calm down, this isn't what your mother would have wanted.!" Even she had tears now.

Hatter calmed down but not completely, they just kept fighting off the others, sticking together. They were almost gone and Alice caught the red queen standing out in the open.

This was her chance, to end it all, to finish off the bloody red queen. Alice ran away from her partner and towards the queen who saw and backed away.

"Iracebeth of Crims, give up now or I swear I'll kill you!" Alice pointed the sword at her and glared.

"You wouldn't want to do that, would you?" Iracbeth suddenly smirked and chuckled.

"And why not?" Alice took a step forward, saw Iracebeth whistle to a guard that brought a group of people out to the field.

They all had ragged clothes, orange hair and looked like Hatter and Tyva, it couldn't be, they all were supposed to be dead. But Tyva told them to find their family, and there they were.

"Kill me and they'll die as well!" Iracabeth cackled, leaving Alice stuck, looking back and forth at her and the people.

"The Hightopps..." 


Sorry if this chapter is boring, I tried to make it emotional and oh my god did you believe that plot twist death? I was almost in tears writing this. Fairfarren all and this story is almost ending! I can't believe it. Just a few more chapters.

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