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// I love every side of you //

"Différent kind of practice today. We're going to be joined by some special guests," Diego announces as we get ready for training.

"Special guests?" Antoine asks.

"Yep. Be out on the pitch in less than five minutes."

I finish lacing up my boots and put my training jersey on. I tighten my shorts a bit. I cross my arms as I wait for Antoine. It's only a few more minutes before the two of us are walking up the stairs. We smack the top of the door like usual before heading on to the pitch.

When we get outside, there are a lot of people there with cameras and screens to control the sun since we're outside. I figure that we're probably having a more intense documentation of our training session with our special guests. I look at Antoine who shrugs. Soon enough the whole team is outside.

Diego instructs us to stretch out like normal. We go through the warm ups and start to practice. We're all very focused since we have the Madrid Derby coming up. We're getting ready to split up when Diego calls us all over.

"Okay our special guests are ready!"

The photographers get in position with the white screens to control the light around the tunnel. I fold my arms across my chest. I grin and Juanfran who's standing right next to me. I smirk when I see Anna, Sara, Josephine, Taylor, and Lais walking up the stairs. Anna stands in the middle with the other four fanned out on either side. They fold their arms over their chest and smirk at us.

Anna has on black pants of that day Victoria Sport in red. She's also got on a sports bra with a zipper on the front. It's mostly red with black straps, a purple band, with grey on the side. She has very little make up on, and her hair is pulled back tightly in a pony tail. She and the other angels look like they've been working out.

"AM!" Antoine grins.

"Griezmann," she raises her chin and fixes him with a steady stare.

"Seriously? You're last naming me?" He frowns.

"These ladies here were working out downstairs in our gym, and now they're going to practice with you," Diego explains.


"Sounds good!"

"One girl with each team. Anna: goalies. Sara: defence. Taylor: midfielders. Josephine: offence. And Lais, you're with the coach!" One of the photographers says.

"Don't go easy on me just because you're my boyfriend, Torres," Anna smirks at me as she walks over.

"Ooooo. She last named ͏y͏o͏u too!" Kevin laughs.

"Maybe you should switch with Josephine. Wouldn't want to humiliate you, Neuer," I smirk back.

"Ohhhhhhh!" Filipe laughs from where he's standing.

"You're going down, Torres!" Anna yells walking over to join the goalkeepers.

"Want to make it interesting?"

"What are you thinking?"

"I bet I'll score at least twice," I smirk.

"I'll take that bet!"

"What are you betting?" Jan questions.

"Three weeks of home cooked meals?" Anna asks.

"You're on!"

- - - - - - - - - -

"JAAAAAAA!" Annamarie pumps her fist and celebrates with her team, "3-0!"

I scowl slightly that I didn't score and neither did my teammates. I'm extra annoyed that Anna did so well. I walk over and hug her tightly. She hugs me back and kisses my cheek.

"You should probably get Nina out here to teach you how to cook," she laughs.

"Yeah yeah yeah. Have to say, I like the competitive attitude on your," I kiss her cheek.

"Thank you, baby!"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2018 ⏰

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