Ask Myra (Or Litterally Anyone Else)

13.1K 187 111

Hello! I promised that I would be posting this when Echos hit 200k reads, and it just did. Thank you all so much for reading and supporting this book, I really do appreciate it so much.

So here's how this'll work. I'm going to list out all the names of the characters, and you can write an inline comment on that character's name for the character. I'll answer as quickly as possible, and there isn't a time limit or anything (as I try to reply to all the comments I get). Now, once more unto the breach!



The Ignis Loquitur (Noctis, Viride, and Aurum)





Me (Aria)

Any Other Character(s)

Again, thank you all so so much. I hope that you all have a wonderful day, and I look forward to answering all of your questions.
~ Aria

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