12. Bombarda!

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Myra watched as Newt picked up a cocoon-like thing on his way out of the case, slipping it into his pocket before he went to lift the trapdoor out of the case. The blonde stepped back into the shadows, so that even if someone was looking inside the case from the outside, they wouldn't be able to see her.

When the case slammed shut a few moments later, the witch decided to walk out of the shadows and toward the door out of Newt's home. After she had slipped through the door, she saw all of the beautiful habitats full of creatures. The blue eyed witch began rounding up all of the creatures and putting them into their respective habitats, making sure that they stayed put and away from harm.

When they were all settled down, Myra latched all of the dividers shut, and went to go deal with the few creatures that didn't have specific habitats, the first of which was the niffler. She looked inside its nest to see it busy organizing all of its metals and gemstones. Deciding that it would be busy for a while more, she walked over to the thunderbird, which was screeching and flapping its wings wildly.

The blonde slowly approached the creature in a way that it could see all of her movements, see that she wasn't here to hurt it. She stopped when she was only a few feet away from a post where she assumed that it stood when it wasn't flying. It took a few moments, but eventually the creature settled down onto the post and tilted its head suspiciously at her.

"Hello," Myra began, inching forward and then stepping back to where she had been when the thunderbird squawked uneasily, "I'm Myra," she told it, "Newt sent me."

It shuffled a little bit, however, it seemed to relax the slightest bit when her Echo was mentioned, "I'm Newt's friend, he wanted me to make sure that you wouldn't be hurt, people are coming, and they might not be very nice."

The thunderbird seemed to be listening to her, and Myra took a step forward, "He needs you to stay quiet, out of sight."

She took another small step forward, "He sent me to protect you, and I will."

"I promise," Myra reached out a hand.

The thunderbird set its beak against her hand and the blonde smiled softly, stepping away so that it could go hide in the clouds above her head. The noise coming from the enclosure decreased by quite a bit, a lot less thunder crashed and almost no sound came from the thunderbird itself.

Myra walked away from the thunderbird, and toward the nest nearest to her Echo's home so that she could keep an eye on it. She transformed, which would both give her an advantage in combat, as Ignis loquitur scales were immune to spells, and would keep her dragons safe because her clothes and bag disappeared as her human skin did.

The animagus lied down next to the nest full of occamys, wrapping her tail around what her body couldn't cover. Then she waited.

And waited.

And pushed an occamy back into the nest.

And then waited some more.

Finally, she could hear the sound of the door out of the case opening. She lifted her head up from where she had laid it on the nest and listened. When unfamiliar voices and a series of crashes and booms rang from inside, Myra rose to her feet and roared to draw whoever it was out of the house.

Just as she hoped they would, three wizards and a witch came out of her Echo's home. The cream-scaled animagus nearly rolled her eyes when they actually had the nerve to marvel at the place that they had broken into.

Myra let out a jet of flames at the dirt next to their feet. That seemed to snap them out of their daze and get them to turn to her. The witch reached into her coat pocket, causing the animagus to let out a warning growl, causing the entire case to go silent, not a sound to be heard as she stared down the people invading. She looked closer, seeing the glint of metal on their coat collars.

They worked for MACUSA.

She was the only thing willing to stand between them and the rest of the creatures in the case. As if they wanted to pick a fight, all four of them whipped out their wands at the same time and shouted the same spell at her.


Three of the spells were direct hits, except for the one cast by the smallest wizard, who's spell was off and was about to hit an occamy when Myra reached out a wing and caught the spell.

Clearly, these people hadn't ever seen an Ignis loquitur before, otherwise they would have know that once the subspecies hit the 7 year mark, they stopped repelling spells and started absorbing them, creating less collateral damage. Overall, Ignis loquitur took the Shakespeare quote 'though she be but little, she be fierce' to a whole new level.

Myra blew another burst of flame at them, moving in front of the occamy nest. The flames singed the right shoe of the witch, who had taken to being ahead of her comrades. The animagus wasn't trying to hurt them, just get them out of the case, but the MACUSA agents weren't having it.

They retaliated with another bought of spells, this time they didn't seem to have any quarrels with hurting her, sending Bombarda spells instead. Once again, she absorbed the spells, but they just continued.

Myra became more and more aggravated with them, if she hadn't been absorbing the spells the entire case would have been destroyed by that point. She opened her mouth to blast even more fire at the four of them.


The explosive spell soared through the air and flew right into the open mouth of the animagus.

And everything went black after a quick flash of pain.

Well, if I could I'd place a curse on those wizards and that witch I would, sadly I don't know any... See you Friday! :)

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