10. They Went That Way, Officer

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Myra's mind whirled, unable to comprehend the world around her. He had left. He was gone.

And then she remembered. "My mother once told me that once she had met her Echo that she could see where he was. She said it just like that: 'I can see where he is now'."

The blonde closed her eyes focusing all of her energy on Newt.

Her eyes shot open and she was speeding around. Out the window, down the wall, onto the road, right, left, right, right, left, straight. Her vision suddenly came to a halt. Everything was fuzzy, out of focus, but just on the edge of her vision. Newt was crystal clear.

Her Echo was creeping past shop windows. Suddenly, he paused and very slowly tiptoed backward. Her vision turned around so that Myra could see what Newt was looking at. He was staring at the niffler in disbelief as the creature pretended to be a jewelry stand. As if it could sense his stare, the niffler slowly turned it's head until the two made eye contact.

A beat passed, and the niffler took off running deeper into the jewelry store, away from Newt. Her Echo pulled out his wand and shouted a spell that Myra couldn't hear in the silence of the vision. The glass shattered and she was pulled out of the vision.

"Myra!" Queenie was shaking her shoulders, "Are you alright?"

"Yes," the witch waved the other woman's hands away, "I think I know where they are."

Queenie tilted her head looking at the blonde quizzically before nodding her head as if she had made up her mind, "Then go find him."

Myra dipped her head in a firm nod, "Thanks."

She whipped out her wand, turning the cottage door into a bag and summoning it all with a quick flick of the wrist. The blonde ran to the window, ducking out of it and onto the fire escape.

She turned back around for a quick moment, putting her hands on the window sill so that she could lean her head back into the room, "I hope to see you again, Miss Goldstein!"

Myra spun back around and leapt off the fire escape platform, transforming into her Ignis loquitur form. As she flew up into the clouds, she could hear the blonde she had left behind faintly call, "It's Queenie!" to her from the apartment window.

The animagus looked through the cover of the clouds down at the road. Right... left... right... right... left... straight... There they were! She could see Jacob staring in the shop window.

She heard the faint noise of glass shattering from where she was in the clouds and watched as both Newt and the niffler fell through onto the road. Myra began to swoop down to the ground as the niffler began running away from the two men.

She transformed back when she was only a few feet from the ground, transitioning from flying to running, "ACCIO!"

The witch watched as the creature began flying in slow motion to her, turning it's head to look at a beautiful window display. Myra's eyes widened when the niffler wrapped it's tiny paw around the pole of a street lamp and changed its trajectory so that it was heading toward the window instead of the blonde.

Newt ran up from behind her and cast a spell at the window. The window turned into a jelly like substance, trapping the niffler when it hit the surface.

"All right? Happy?" Newt scolded the creature.

Her Echo, who was now covered in jewelry, pulled the niffler from the window, "One down- two to go."

Myra picked up the sound of police sirens coming from down the street and her eyes widened, "You didn't trip the alarm, right?"

"I'm not quite sure," Her Echo said distractedly, shaking jewels from the niffler's pouch.

"You aren't sure?" Myra narrowed her eyes at him as the sirens continued to get louder and louder.

Police cars pulled up, cornering the three of them as policemen poured out of the cars, guns aimed at the trio. Jacob, who was also covered in jewels, held up his hands in surrender.

"They went that way, Officer..." the no-maj trailed off as he looked at the policemen.

"Hands up!" an officer shouted.

Myra slowly raised her hands into the air, growling under her breath at both the no-majs and their weapons. From the corner of her eye the blonde saw the niffler, which had been stuffed into Newt's overcoat, poke its little nose out and squeak.

"What the hell is THAT?" a second officer shouted in surprise.

Jacob suddenly looked to the left, a terrified expression on his face, "Lion..." he barely got the words out he was so frightened.

A beat passed and then, in unison, the police tured both their eyes and their guns toward the other end of the street. Myra thought he had been kidding, but when she turned to look as well, there really was a lion stalking toward them.

Myra's hand inched toward her wand, looking at her two companions, her Echo seemed to be completely calm, which made her question whether or not he had any concept of self preservation.

"You know," he said, still calm, "New York is considerably more interesting than I'd expected."

And, before the police could look back, Newt grabbed Myra and Jacob and the three of them disapparated.

I know it's a bit of a shorter chapter than usual, but this is where I wanted to end it. Also, thank you amazing readers for getting Echos up to two thousand reads! It really means a lot to me that my writing is out there and being read by people who like these characters as much as I do. Have a great wonderful, fantastic weekend!

~ Aria

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