04. ...Hello...

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"Come on," Myra said, hooking her arm through her bag before grabbing the elbows of both Newt and Tina and disapparating.

Once they apparated, Myra, knowing exactly where they were, marched over to the area behind a teal curtain and set her bag against the wall behind the previously mentioned curtain. The blonde waved her wand over the black leather. The bag slowly grew and morphed, turning into a black door with a brass knob. She poked her head back through the curtain, and when she what Newt was doing, she stepped all the way out and began to watch him.

Both her Echo and Tina were looking around Wishes, Wands, and Wizardry in awe. Tiny whittled dragons flew around the shop, occasionally stopping to rest on a wand box. A small flock of five rosewood dragons had begun swarming around Newt, most likely sensing that he was her Echo. Rosewood was known for being exceptionally good for healing spells and love potions. And, like her own wand, were extremely good at detecting where their owner's affections lied.

The blonde smiled, amused when the little dragons began pushing Newt in her direction. As soon as the brunette was only a few feet away, she moved across the shop, letting Newt carry on in his confused state for a while longer.

Myra came to a stop next to Tina, who was gazing at the wands that the witch was currently working on, "The one on the right is made of hawthorn," she told Tina from behind, "I'm almost done with it, I'm pretty sure that it's going to be needed soon."

"Why would you think that?" the witch inquired quietly, looking at the partially completed wand.

"Hawthorn tends to be drawn to those in turmoil," the blonde said, gingerly picking up the wand, "and as everyone knows, the wand chooses the wizard."

"What about the other two?"

"English oak and hornbeam-"

Myra turned around to see if the rosewood dragons had given up on Newt yet only to find herself nose-to-nose with her Echo.

"...hello..." the witch whispered, blue eyes wide at the proximity.

"...hello..." Newt replied, a nervous grin on his face.

"I suppose that they didn't let you be."

"No, not really," the wizard rubbed the back of his neck.

Myra turned her head cautiously, looking directly at the five smug dragons over her Echo's shoulder, "Depulso," she muttered, pointing her wand at the rosewood creatures.

They were pushed through the air until they reached the corner of the shop where they hung their heads and sat facing the wall. Myra stepped back from Newt, not wanting to make him more uncomfortable than he probably already was.

"Sorry about them," the blonde apologized, "I thought they'd give up after a while."

Her Echo chuckled nervously, so Myra continued speaking, talking to Tina as well this time, "Anyway, I may have a way to track where Mr. Kowalski went."

"Kowalski?" Tina asked, trailing behind the witch as she began to walk back to the curtain.

"It's the name of the no-maj that has the case, the bank manager said it," she clarified, pulling back the curtain and motioning the two of them to open the door and enter.

Myra followed closely behind them, and was only able to get out the words, "you might want to duck", before the door opposite the one they'd come out of burst open and three blurs tackled her to the floor.

"Oh my!" Tina exclaimed whipping out her wand and shooting a spell at them.

The blonde rose a hand to stop the witch from casting the spell, but the warning clearly didn't work as the spell kept sailing through the air at the dragons busy licking the witch's face. They seemed completely unbothered when the spell bounced off of the golden one's scales and was directed towards a jar on the counter.

Myra cringed, growling at the three of them, who then got off of her and began looking at the two visitors. The gold one tipped her head thoughtfully at both Newt and Tina, sizing them up. It didn't take long for her to decide they were okay and begin creeping towards the jam that had once been in the jar Tina blew up. The green looked at them with hooded eyes, snorted fire at them, and then proceeded to stalk towards the jam.

The last of the three dragons was the smallest. A little black male who was hiding behind Myra's legs as soon as she had stood up. The blonde gave him a soft huff as he peered at them from behind her coat. That caused the tiny dragon to perk up and run out from behind his mother figure and pounce on Newt, covering the man's face in dragon saliva.

Myra smiled, happy with the littlest's reaction, "these are my Ignis loquitur," she told her companions, "Aurum is the gold one, Viride is the one being rude," she emphasized the word rude, looking pointedly over at the dragon, "and that little fellow," the witch pointed to the one smothering Newt in kisses, "is Noctis."

"Ignis loquitur?" Newt asked, having finally convinced Noctis to go join his sisters in eating the jam, "I thought they're native to Brazil?"

"They are, I found their eggs about to be part of some no-maj's omelet," Myra looked around, reaching up into a cabinet, her hand searching for a jar that it wasn't finding.

The blue eyed witch huffed in annoyance and let out a series of growls, incenting Aurum, who was the largest, to start pushing a wooden step-stool to her feet. The golden girl gave a little huff of her own. Without even looking, Myra stepped up onto it and Aurum pushed it forward to meet the lower cabinet.

"Ah, here we go," because she could finally see what she was doing, Myra was able to grab the jar she was looking for and step down, "dried dragon root. When diluted properly-"

"It triples the sensory input of any type of dragon," Newt finished, nodding along.

Myra beamed at her Echo, "and it just so happens that Viride is an excellent tracker already."

"So it can find the no-maj?" Tina verified, seeming to finally understand why they were in her house.

"She," the blonde corrected, "and yes, she can."

"Mr. Scamander," Myra turned back to face her Echo, "would you mind starting to dilute that dragon root for me? There's something I promised to do."

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