Bonus Chapter - Lumos

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Myra sat behind the counter at Wishes, Wands, and Wizardry, whittling away at a Pear wood wand. Credence sat next to the register, surrounded by tiny willow dragons that looked eagerly at him as he tried to perform his first spell.

"Lumos," the Obscurial muttered for what seemed to be for the hundredth time that day.

The wand flared for the first time, creating a small burst of light before dying down once again. Myra stopped carving the tiny wolf into the handle and looked up, a smile on her face.

"Almost there," she told him, her tone happy and supportive.

"Lumos," Credence said more firmly, doing the motion once more.

The wand began to glow scarlet, lighting up the entire room with it's power. The blonde's eyes widened, before she looked away, shielding her eyes for fear of being blinded. The wooden dragons that had once been watching the wand intensely, were flying away from the counter and back to the safe perches of the wand boxes.

"How do I get it to stop?" Credence asked frantically, terrified.

"Nox!" Myra cried, "Use the spell Nox!"

"Nox!" Credence stuttered out waving his wand in the same motion as the one used for Lumos.

"It's a different motion," Myra said, her arm shielding her vision from the scarlet glow, "Imagine drawing a wave!"

The Obscurial was frantically saying the spell while waving his hand in a hello/goodbye sort of motion. The blonde looked out from under her arm quickly to see if the boy was doing the spell right. She quickly corrected him in saying that it was like an ocean wave.

It took him a few more tries to do the counterspell accurately, and by then, Myra's eyes hurt even though she had been shielding them. When she peeked around the room, she was greeted with  a silent shop and a scared Obscurial.

"Well," The wandmaker sighed, "That was eventful."

"Wha-what did I do wrong?" Credence asked hesitantly.

"It wasn't really your fault," she replied gently, "I didn't teach you the counterspell first and the amount of light was just because of all the magic you have built up."

The Obscurial seemed doubtful, "It wasn't my  fault?"

"Nope," Myra affirmed, putting down her whittling knife and the Pear wand, "So how do you feel about meeting Tina and Queenie for lunch?"


There we go, a nice little bonus chapter to say thank you for getting Echos to 30K reads and 2K votes. I hope all of you have a wonderful week and I'll see you all again at some point with another bonus chapter. :)
~ Aria

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