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Lily gulped as she noticed how mad Anastasia (the head of the vampire council) looked - from what she could tell, Ethan and Benny were kind of scared too, since this was mostly their fault.

She smashed her fist on the table, "The Lucifractor was confiscated by your school master?" she growled, her eyes glowing yellow. Although she was a very young vampire (maybe around twelve or thirteen), she never failed to send a chill up everyone's spine.

"It's, uh, it's just in his office," Ethan replied.

Lily nodded, standing close to Benny, "Yeah, we can definitely get it back,"

"And technically, he's our vice school master," Benny reasoned, "So..."

"Right! Yeah, that means it'll be even easier," added Ethan.

"The Lucifractor is the greatest threat we vampires have ever faced," Anastasia stated, "you have one day to get it back, or we will raid that school," the three looked at each other with wide eyes as Anastasia sat back down, "And you don't want that," she finished.

They shook their heads and turned around to leave, "So, that's a threat," Lily muttered.

"It's okay, Stern won't be any trouble,"


"C'mon, it's gotta be in here," Benny huffed, as he searched a shelf in Stern's office, that the three had snuck into, "Have you looked under L for Lucifractor?" he asked.

"I don't see it," Ethan told him, standing up.

Lily shook her head, closing the box she was looking in, "Neither do I," she opened up a drawer nearby, "Oh my god, Benny, I found your Alien DNA Detector goggles,"

Ethan frowned, and also looked in the drawer, "And there's our Psionic Helmet," he said, as he picked up a blue bike helmet with a mini rocket strapped on top.

Lily dug deeper in the drawer, "I found the Eye of Zartak," she exclaimed, taking out the hockey helmet with the infamous gem stuck in the middle, "Stern's taken so much of our magic stuff away from us, it's crazy,"

Ethan nodded, "I never realised quite how much he's taken,"

"Dude, I found it!" Benny stated, as he opened a cupboard nearby.

Ethan's eyes lit up, "The Lucifractor?"

"No better," he took out a green flask from the cupboard, "My Forever Flask, infinite root beer," he opened it and took a sip, whilst both Ethan and Lily rolled their eyes.

"Babe, that's not what we're looking for," Lily sighed, as she opened up a few more drawers and cupboards.

"Really?" the three turned around in fright, Benny even spat out his drink, at the voice that had scared them from the hallway. They instantly froze as they saw Vice Principal Stern, "What are you looking for?" he walked the three out of his office, "Your nerd pile will sit in my office until the end of the year, and you will sit in detention until the sun dies, now get to class," he stormed off.

As Sarah approached the three, Lily tugged on Benny's arm, "How about we give them some privacy?" she muttered, as he walked with her to the nearest set of lockers.

Once Sarah had left, the two rejoined Ethan, "Sarah just said that our date was a mistake," he told the two, looking very disappointed.

Lily raised her eyebrows, "Harsh,"

"And I kind of, maybe, said it was horrible," he continued.

Benny face palmed, "Oh dude, harsh extract,"

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