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The two ran to the school to see the truck driving off, "What? Seriously? We ran for nothing," Benny said, panting.

"Lily! Benny!" Ethan called from behind them, they turned around to see him with Sarah.

"Ethan! You hung up on me!" Benny said, still a tiny bit out of breath.

"Later! Right now, we have vampire nurses to deal with!"

"Vampire nurses?"

"Wait, where's Rory and Erica?"

"We figured out they were planning to rob the blood truck," Ethan replied.

Benny checked his phone to track Rory, "Okay, Rory's on the move, and fast. So, he's either flying or-"

"Or he's on that truck!" Ethan figured out, his eyes widening, "And Erica's probably still with him!"

"They're in danger, vampires are super territorial," Sarah warned, munching on one of the cookies the nurses were handing out.

"We gotta grab our gear and go after them, fast!"


The group ran back to Ethan's and Lily watched as Benny stuffed some water guns into a bag.

"Look what I found," Ethan said, pointing to his computer screen, "these blood sucking nurses have over thirty towns in their route,"

Lily walked over to him and peered over his shoulder at the screen, "they've been running this scam for years,"

"But, it wouldn't be running much longer if everyone knew they weren't real nurses," he said, looking up at Lily, who was reading the newspaper article on the screen, leaning over his shoulder.

"We can use that info against them," she replied, looking down at him, they smiled at each other, thinking the same thing.

Benny cleared his throat and they both turned around to look at him, "C'mon guys, we gotta go, now. Rory and Erica are in trouble and I think Sarah's downstairs eating all of your frozen meat,"


The group hid from the nurses, listening to their conversation, "It's not like these two noobs will put up much of a fight anyway," the smaller one said.

"Maybe they won't," Sarah retorted, the group stepped out from where they were hiding.

"But we will," Ethan finished for her.

"You?" the nurse asked, walking towards them.

"Yeah, that's right, us!" Ethan stated.

"And me too," Benny added, everyone turned to look at him, "I mean, I'm Benny, we met earlier, I'm the one who didn't pass out," he started pointing at Ethan and grinning.

"Benny," Ethan sighed, "You and Lily go find Rory and Erica, Sarah and I will hold them off,"

The two ran off towards the van and sat in the front, Benny in the driver's seat and Lily in the passengers; Benny started fiddling with the wires.

"Do you need any help with that?" Lily asked.

He shook his head, pulling out two wires, "Nah, I'm a master at electronic-ah!" he screamed as the two ends of the wires touched and they shocked him.

"Oh god, are you okay?" Lily asked, placing her hand on top of his and looking at him with worry.

Benny looked down at their hands, then back up at her, "Uh, y-yeah I'm fine,"

She quickly removed her hand and cleared her throat, "What about this?" she asked, picking up what looked like a remote.

"The remote? Awesome, c'mon let's go,"

They ran around to join Ethan and Sarah, and Benny pulled up the antennae on the remote, "Behold! The power of technology!" he said, pressing the button. The door didn't open, so he pressed it again and hit it, he then waved it around, "Doorus, openus," he said, Lily chuckled as the nurses opened the doors to the van.

The four stared in shock as Erica and Rory were about to kiss.

"This isn't what it looks like!" Erica protested, as Rory climbed out with a grin on his face, "He wouldn't shut up! Kissing him actually seemed less annoying!" She groaned and climbed out as well.

The nurses sighed and shut the doors to the van, "We are surrounded by vampire noobs! Let's get out of here,"

"So, uh, you two need a ride home?" Sarah asked Erica and Rory.

"No, we're good. It's nice out and, uh, we could use the flight practice," she replied, walking away. Rory grinned and put his thumbs up, following her.

The four laughed as they heard him get slapped by Erica, "Ow! What was that for?"

"You know, something tells me that Rory wasn't trying too hard to open that door," Benny stated, smirking.

Lily raised her eyebrows and laughed, "Doorus, openus?"

"Stupidus, doofusus?" Sarah mocked.


"I'm telling ya dude, Lily literally held my hand!" Benny sighed dreamily, "It was amazing,"

Ethan rolled his eyes and turned to his friend, "She was probably just concerned-"

Benny ignored him, however, and kept on talking, "I got so nervous afterwards though, and she's like, the only girl that can make me nervous, you know? Aside from Erica, but she only makes me nervous because she kinda scares me,"

Ethan sighed and zoned out as his friend carried on talking.

Ooh little moment between Benny an Lily there ;) anyway, hope everyone had a nice Christmas, and if you don't celebrate it then I hope you had a great day in general

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